Tuesday, December 27, 2005

And He said Let There Be Twinkle Lights

I was all ready to start this entry. The computer was on, Word was fired up and I was going to write The Great American Blog Entry.


I had stopped in on Christmas Eve to visit with my nice neighbors and they mentioned that their very good friend, the niece of the woman who formerly owned my house, had this beautifully decorated home that I just had to go see and I thought to myself, “Yeah, I don’t see that happening”; and then my nice neighbors gave me a very nice Christmas gift right after I gave them something that while nice was not very and I started to think to myself, “Oh. I am going to have to go see that beautifully decorated home.”

And so this evening, minutes after I had the computer on and Word fired up and was starting on The Great American Blog Entry, my nice neighbor called up and said we were going to go see the beautifully decorated home right now and so I went.

And what was I supposed to say as our hostess asked us to have a seat? “Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t stay, I have to write my blog. Lovely home you have, Bye-Bye!” or the just as pressing, but even less polite, “Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t stay, I have to bath my dog and launder her bedding. Lovely home you have, Bye-Bye!” . I should have known I was going to be there for a while after she took our coats away. When the hostess takes your coat away, it does not bode well for a speedy visit, it means that you are going to be there for a while and if you were smart you would have put your tooth brush in your purse before you left the house.

The house was beautifully decorated in the Oh My Gawd! Christmas Exploded! school of interior decorating. I mean, the woman is in full communion with the Holy Church of full immersion Christmas decoration! I think that just about everything I saw that was not a 8 ft. fully lit and decorated spinning tree, was a four foot fully lit and decorated stationary tree and everything else that was not between four and eight feet tall, fully lit, decorated and spinning was able to sing and dance and in one memorable example, was a three piece choir of angels set that could harmonize with itself, while the wings blinked on and off in tune with the music when each angel chimed in. Every square inch from the floors to the walls were covered in decorations. The house was huge and it must have taken months to get it decorated and will take at least that long to get it all dismantled - it still all managed to be tasteful. I was deeply impressed with her decorating ethic, although, myself, I am not quite ready to be a member of her Church at present, I would like to be, some day.

I went home a patted my sad little Santa collection ( I just have 14) and told them not to feel bad, I’ve seen the light and I’ll be more on the ball for next year.

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