Wednesday, December 21, 2005

One way or another

I am very proud of myself. I have only picked at the band aid on my knee 23,781 times today! Not as good as yesterday, but I had other things on my mind.

Yesterday, I focused all my normal band aid picking energies to pulling down my blouse. It’s a nice blouse, very festive and all but it is made of an odd material or conglomeration of materials and it would not stay tucked in. All I did all day was retuck and flatten it out. It was a full time job, I tell you. If it did stay tucked for a few moments it would get bunchy and than I would have to try to unbunch it while at the same time trying to keep it tucked, fortunately, it’s a holiday blouse so it’s not something I am going to have to deal with a lot – if it was a plain white blouse and spent the day behaving like that, by the drive home I would have been Lady Godiva and it would have been airborne.

It’s not like blouses have a lot of job skills anyway – they have to stay where you put them, not fall off indiscriminately and not chafe, these things are not hard. I’m sure that somewhere there is an official Blouse Job Description that goes into much more detail but I’m pretty sure that it can be whittled down to those rules. I mean what do they spend their time doing? I mean, really! Do they have hobbies? Was my blouse practicing for Dancing With The Shirts? It just wore me out. I am supposed the wear the shirt it is not supposed to wear on me.

But today, today’s holiday shirt is okay to stay where I put it, so I have had the chance to fully focus on the band aid issue – yesterday along with my blouse issues, I about had a stroke because while my shirt was working my last nerve I also had to look through just about every piece of paper I own for something that as it tuned out, was in another city under some desk. I love other people. So between tearing everything up trying to find it and then having to put everything back once it was discovered safe and sound – I still managed a lot of quality fidgeting time.

I can’t fidget with my hair as much as I would like because I colored it again and because of the hard core conditioner they use, it’s in better shape than it is normally. It is also a little darker than I would have liked but they didn’t have the box with Andy McDowell on it and I had to settle for the same brand but with a different slightly darker brunette model on the box.

What else.

Dogger and I drove to two different Block Busters looking for the season one DVD of Without a Trace. No love at all from Blockbuster Inc. I’ve seen WOAT in reruns off and on and it looks kind of all right and I’ve liked the lead since I saw him a thousand years ago in Betsy’s Wedding , also, not available at Blockbuster by the way. I just thought I would go out and rent the DVD and watch a couple of hours of the show before I allowed my brain to drip out my ears watching CSI Miami.

I don’t watch WOAT in real time because it airs opposite E.R and there is no chance at all in hell I am going to stop watching E.R just to check out Anthony LaPaglia getting increasingly pudgy - so if I am going to watch WOAT it is going to be sporadically in reruns or on DVD. So, because Blockbuster didn’t want my business some random person got my $11 instead of them. Ha.

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