Thursday, December 29, 2005

Soup Vol. 2

I know you are waiting with baited breath to see how my second go-round with the thermos went. There was no second go-round! There are no second acts in Thermos life! To hell with it! I ran over with my car and set in on fire and than gave it to the drug dealers pit bulls to tear up and then strung what remained up outside as an object lesson to all the other thermosi out there as a warning to do their damn jobs the first time! . I should not have had to go to a thermos in-service to learn how to trick my thermos into working correctly.

I tried again this morning and it worked much better. I learned that I should pre-condition the thermos interior with boiling hot water and let that sit while I am super heating the soup. Yesterday I only heated up the soup. It needs to be hot enough to burn through the counter top prior to being thermosed and the interior of the thermos itself must be hot, hot, hot before you put the soup into it. Everything really has to be very hot in order for it to stay hot for the four and half hours it has to sit prior to lunch. I am assuming that to keep something cold I am going to have to freeze it for 24 hours and than make sure the beverage is frozen solid before I shatter it into a thousand pieces and pour the shards into the thermos to keep it cold until I want to drink it.

The soup was also less salty when it was above room temperature and it helped immensely to have brought a real spoon from home instead of using the little, tiny folding spoon that came with the thermos. If you have to eat cold soup, don’t use an undersized plastic fold up spoon to eat it with, it will not add to the experience.

Did you know that nobody has asked me what I got for Christmas? Not a soul. I have no one to tell that I got a lot of great things but most importantly, I got a digital camera! among the other fab stuff I got: the first season of Hogans' Heros, a pair of kick ass flannel pjs and a cake baking kit that will allow me to make cakes that are both yellow and chocolate or I can put ice cream in to. I all ready have some ideas. I hope my family is willing to eat the experiments.

What else.

Oh, yes, back to the camera. Hopefully, I will be posting more pictures of stuff – like the shot of the tragedy of seeing coolots at Target and wanted to post and cry about, but didn’t because I didn’t have a way of taking their picture and getting it back in time to still care about the coolots. But now I can! Aren’t you excited? I could even post a picture of my newly tarted up light over my dining room table? It was all plan and kind of nowhere but know its all spangely! Do you want to see a picture of my tarted up light?

You have no choice and other than that mostly what I have are shots of my Christmas tree and the animals. So,

Okay, with that in mind. I am going out of town until Tuesday and posting will be, um, light.

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