Thursday, January 5, 2006


Last night was Doggers bath night. Monday night is Doggers “real” bath night but I give myself holidays off and I decided Monday that Dogger wasn’t all that dirty – sure, minnie’s back seat smelled a little of dog after our trip home but it hardly reeked of dog and I have a brand new car deodorizer and thanks to it, the front seat smells great as far as I was concerned and in my world Dogger smelled strongly of “multiberries” and did not need a bath.

Dogger needed a bath.

So, Tuesday rolls around and after work I gamely go about preparing the bathroom for Doggers bath. I remove the rugs, the towels, the shower mat, and everything else I don’t need wet dogness all over. I load the room with three or four dog towels and bring down her tooth brush. After this I round up her clean bedding and think about changing into my Bath The Dog clothes. I am all the while thinking positive thoughts about getting it over early enough that I will have time to clean up the bathroom and then take a shower myself.

I am dreaming.

I have a cold. I’m tired from the holidays and I don’t really want to do it - But, Dogger also this time around needs her heartworm preventive and flea stuff, which is very, very important. But, to get these I have to drag a chair into the kitchen and then dig around in the upper cabinets to find the dog meds and then drag the chair out and all of a sudden it just seems like so much work. Bones is on and while it’s a rerun, I still want to watch it and I tell myself that House is also a rerun that I just saw and I could wash the dog while it is on.

But. House is on at 9pm. That is really late to be just starting to bath the dog and then I will want to take a shower and by that time… but the dinning room is all ready awash with towels and rugs from the bathroom and there are all these dog towels piled up in the bathroom and Dogger did go swimming in the salty water and that can’t be good for her skin and gawd only knows what she picked up while she as glumping around in the underbrush…

Have I mentioned that I have a head cold?

My head is all stuffed up and every time I move it makes my head hurt. The idea of all the moving around that happens in the process of washing a dog is really making a bad thing worse, but all the steam from the bath would be good for me and it’s not like a little head ache is going to kill me after all and that is why they invented aspirin and aspirin substitutes but how much have I all ready taken today and how much can lean to liver damage?… and Bones is almost on and I liked this one and the House, even though they did just air it, is a good episode and I do want to see the previews for next week and while I could tape it I would have to find the clicker thingy and I’m pretty sure there must be a reason that the VCR has been on – so that means there must be something on the tape I thought was important and if so, I most likely don’t want to tape over it so I would have to find a different blank tape to tape the show, and now that I am thinking about it, do I have any blank tapes? And maybe I should add blank tapes to my list of things I need to get at the store… And all of a sudden I am very, very tired.

(Dogger didn't get bathed last night either)

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