Monday, January 30, 2006

Pre-Spring Cleaning

You know Friday when you look at the clock and say “Thank God it’s Friday”?, Friday morning I looked at the clock and said “OH!GAWD!ITS!FRIDAY!!!”.

My first thought was Okay. I need to brush my teeth and get dressed and get the hell out of here. I tried to call work but no one else seemed to be at their desks either. I did this because a year or so ago one of the ladies in the office was late one day and it turned out she was late, because she was late, the lady had died. I didn’t want to panic anyone unnecessarily.

I went to check Dogger and saw that over night she had eaten something fluffy. I didn’t know and I didn’t care. I gave her a couple of cookies and locked her in her crate Sorry Dogger, but you’re going to have to deal. I’ll be back at lunch. Oh, and whatever you ate? I hope it agreed with you because you all ready had your breakfast. And I left for work.

Another odd thing about Friday. All day we were getting calls from the Charlotte press and all day I had to tell them that we do not speak to the press they need to call X number and talk to X guy and that I’m not going to tell them as much as what time it is so they should stop asking me. Well, I found out why the press was calling all day and it wasn’t pretty

An Alzheimer's patient who disappeared for four days was found in a storage room of the nursing home where she lived, but the woman later died at a hospital. Mary Cole, 66, had disappeared Monday from Liberty Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, authorities said. She was found Friday under a table in a storage room at the center.

That sound you are hearing are the heads rolling.

Well. Onto happy places. This weekend my Dad came up and we, emphasis on “my dad”, cleaned up the grounds and generally tidied the place up. Its mildly depressing though that all this stuff ended up being tossed

And you can’t really tell how much work was done. I mean, My Dad wanted us to clear the leaves out of the back yard (which would, admittedly, made a big honking difference) but I wanted to let the leaves stay to act as mulch for the yard. Otherwise there isn’t any soil left and nothing grows in the dust that’s left and when the dust gets wet it turns to mud and the yard looks even more awful -so the leaves have to stay for two reasons: A) I’m hoping that if the leaves stay there long enough they will eventually break down and compost themselves into usable soil that will successfully grow grass back there, and B) they camouflage the dirt and make and thus the yard looks less like a missile site than it would otherwise. That’s how I see it, anyway.

The front yard on the other hand has adequate soil. I had months ago, declared the front yard a leaf free zone except for the leaves that were safely corralled under the shrubbery - keeping the plants warm! My Dad didn’t feel the same way and those had to go. Poor cold shrubs.

Now that the leaves have all been evicted and my plants are all going to catch cold and die. On the up side, after they have all frozen to death, I can plant more azaleas! and maybe a new rose bush as well.

Oh. And we found this

I didn't see it before beause when I look into the back yard it is just to check to see if Dogger has eaten the heat pump yet. This is too small and too perfect to be Dogger damage.

Dogger didn’t do it.

The Rat community was so happy with how I have taken care of their dead over the years, that they wanted to come live with me! I should have run over the little dead bastards with my lawn mower.

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