Dogger did get a walk the other night. She didn’t enjoy it but it was good to get out and about. We scared two different sets of scary guys so that made it worth it.
I don’t know what has come over the paper boy but two mornings in the row the paper has been both on time and on my porch. Which would be great but I just now got into the grove of my new replacement morning routine that was designed to make allowances for the paper not being there or not being there until 6:30. The new routine does require that I hit the ground running and while I am sure that this is a good thing, I get more done, and I have more uninterrupted newspaper reading time available to me. It stills pisses me off I changed my routine because the paperboy wasn’t doing his job.
Dogger needs a bath and she needs a bath tonight. Problem being that tonight is a really good TV night and it’s cold. I can’t just tell her to go put on her fuzzy pajamas and robe either, she will stand still for the hair dryer but not for long, she doesn’t understand it or its noise. Poor baby. I’ll wait until the weekend for her bath.
A good meat loaf is worth its weight in gold.
I am still waiting for the World peace puppies to come rolling in. Do none of you have a World Peace puppy? Or access to one? I am disappointed. You know they don’t have to be your puppy, they could be any picture of any puppy that you believe could bring about world peace… it’s not hard. For example:

This is what a 3D sonogram would have looked like of Dogger a week after conception. See? Adorableness. Can you feel the desire to compromise just coming off it in waves?
Here is another.

Doesn’t that puppy make you just want to throw down your arms and work towards a peaceful solution? Do you not feel like working through whatever issues you may be having with those around you and finding a middle path?
Come on! The world needs more World Peace Puppies. Send em’ in. My email is to your right.
Those puppies and more can be found at The Daily Puppy
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