Thursday, March 30, 2006


So, did any of you follow the link to the Jeopardy test? Did any of you register and then sit for it? I would have but it was scheduled for the same time as Bones and a girl has to set her priorities.

And I mean, do you want to admit you forgot everything as soon as you shook the hand of whomever hand you shook as they handed you your diploma? I watch that show sometimes and from what I can tell, the only episodes I would have any chance in hell competing on are the yearly Celebrity episodes they do. I am stupider then the celebrities! I know less than David Duchovney about the periodic table! am I the only one who took Botany looks at a mushroom and thinks “Once upon a time, I used to know all the parts of this and what they did and now I couldn’t even if I wanted to?”. I must have known them well enough at some point to have passed my science requirement – and they didn’t offer Science for Theatre Majors either, we had to take a real science class! Way on the far other side of campus from the theatre building! That was a big deal. I took a class called Dance for Theatre Majors that seemed to be all about teaching us to walk across the floor with out tripping over our own feet. I got a “C”.

I still haven’t gone and picked up my Bunny. I keep saying I’ll do it after work or over lunch but I never get around to it. I should just suck it up and buy one of the $7.99 rabbits I keep seeing and thinking that I would get if they weren’t $7.99. It is Lent and it is a time of tithing and putting others first and our needs second so I should just do it. But damn, $7.99 for a stuffed animal?! And does Gawd want me to run around trying to find the cheapest gift bunny I can find? I should just go pick one up before someone else gets the “good” rabbits and I get stuck with something lavender and still $7.99. Grumble.

Ion the sprit of Lenten giving you could go and give the little beagle family a “10” and thus helping them win for their rescue group $5000 towards more care for more beagle families. It would be nice of you.

At this moment I am waiting for a lawyer who was supposed to be here at Noon. I took my lunch early, messed up my schedule for the rest of the day and at ten after twelve I get a call from his office informing me he wasn’t here yet and wouldn’t be and blah, blah, things I don’t care about later – he would be here by 3:00pm. It’s totally a control thing on his part. His usual M.O is to just turn up on my door step demanding to see a chart, he’s done that twice and I put him on a list. The You Have Been Warned List, so when his office called, it put a red flag up and I got ready to say NO. They made an end run around me and made an appointment – which he then missed for a time more conductive to his schedule. We shall see. I told the woman on the phone I leave here at 4:30 on the button and so will he, ready or not.

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