Monday, March 20, 2006


Have you even woken up in the morning and said “I am going to get things done today!”? And then you roll back over and go back to sleep and wind up getting nothing done?

Yeah. That has never happened to me. I am all about the getting of the shite done. Yup. I am totally about getting my stuff taken care of. Now.

Okay, in reality I am all about thinking of getting my stuff done. I am a great planer of how efficient I am going to be. I make lists, I plan, I coordinate. And then I wake up and its too cold or too rainy or too nice and all my lists, plans and coordination are for naught.

Saturday was like that. Except I had no plan. I woke up and it was very lovely but it was also a little cool. It was perfect weather to watch TV with the dog. I was very successful at this until I remembered it was Saturday and I needed to go to the upholstery store and look at decorative beading so I can turn


It has occurred to me that it is going to take a lot of decorative beading. And possibly the intervention of some sort of magical entity.

So. It was off to the upholstery store. Sadly, I was not successful. I had been sure that they had every kind of decorative edging known to man and some, so decorative in nature that are only known to wo-man and the but the decorative beading I was there for was not to be found. I did come across some decorative beading that was so heavy that it could be used as cleaver McGuyver style in-a- pinch weaponry - that I will certainly keep in mind should I ever be called upon to do some under cover assassination work - but it wasn’t the right colors for my needs so I left it at the store. It was also very expensive and probably would have required a cooling off period and back ground checks before purchase. I’m not ready to start burning candles and strangling cats, so I see more visits to upholstery stores in my future and so I came home and watched a few hours of Hogans Heroes.

I didn’t get much done Saturday.

Sunday however... Sunday I was a machine. I got up, I got dressed, I started a load of laundry, I went to Mass and on the way home I picked up some lunch and came home, read the Sunday paper, listened to Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me, made some decisions about what I am going to wear to the office for the coming week, and then I got to work. I decided that I need to make meatloaf so I made a list and I went to the store and I bought only what was on my list and I came home. I made my meat loaf, cleaned up the dishes from that, I put another load of laundry in, I went down the street and bought gas, I gassed up the lawn mower and mowed the lawn, came back inside put load one into the driver and load two into be washed. This was all before 1:30 pm.

Okay, say what you will about weeds, but newly mow weeds do an awfully good imitation of newly mown grass

....And then I sat down for “just a minute” and watched a couple of hours of Hogans Heroes and kind of lost my groove.

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