Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I took The Kitty to New Vet last week and I still haven’t heard back from her. There wasn’t much New Vet could do with The Kitty past taking a history until Old Vet faxed over his records, and thus far Old Vet hasn’t fazed the records yet. I am too much of a weenie to call Old Vet and have them send the records to New Vet because it would be too much like having to call an ex and have them call the current and I just can’t go there. In reality, there are so many vets holding records on The Kitty that it could turn into a major production to try to get in touch with all of them, again, I am a weenie who can’t get on the phone to Old Vet to break up with them – maybe I’ll need them in the future, maybe they might have a Vet Friend I might want to see sometime... I don’t want to burn any vet bridges... WEENIE.

I called New Vet Friday after she didn’t call me, and the clerk who answered the phone didn’t have a clue about faxes, Old Vets, who I was or really anything pertaining to The Kitty at all. I would have thought with the fuss he put up that The Kitty would be something of a legend around the office. Obliviously not. Why does this bother me? I wanted to crawl under the floor but his screaming didn’t make much of an impression with the office staff?


If Old Vet doesn’t come through with the faxing it means that The Kitty will have to under go the same pricey blood work he had done a few months ago, again. Blood panels don’t come cheap and I would just as soon not pay for them a second time ( weenie, weenie, weenie)I would just as soon have New Vet tell me that The Kitty has developed some kind of feline anorexia in response to the Pred sponsored heft he picked up over the seven months he was on it. New Vet did offer up the suggestion that his weight loss may have something to do with going off the pred and not having the same appetite and the fact he is more active in the house than he ever was in the apartments we lived in and cat physiology being what it is, it just may have taken time for him to lose all the apartment living/pred appetite fat. I think this is a fairy tale but since it seems to have a happy ending I’m going to memorize it and maybe cross stitch it on a sampler. My cat isn’t sick, he’s just getting more exercise and possibly needs some face time with a dietitian or something. Yeah. The weight loss is totally natural and healthy. Sure it is.

I’ve been sitting here in my office with the lights off and it just occurred to me that I am sitting in the dark. My co-worker just came in and said she was just about to run to her car and get her umbrella. I think this might jinx it. On the other hand, I did go and buy replacement pair of sunglasses #2 over my lunch hour and that might have been what is causing darkness to fall. I hate replacement pair of sunglasses very much. They are mirroredy and make me look like the fly. I now have to balance how much looking like the fly bothers me against the piercing head aches I would get if I went out into the sun not looking like the fly. I am also hoping that going out and buying replacement sunglasses #2 might bring replacement sunglasses #1 and possibly, original sunglasses to come out of hiding so that they may taunt me. I know since I dislike replacement sunglasses #2 so much that they will never, ever leave me and most likely I will have them on me when I die but I will never, ever see replacement sunglasses #1 or original sunglasses ever again until I either step on them/fish them out of Doggers maw/vacuum them up/or run them over with my car.

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