Tuesday, May 2, 2006


Today for many people is an election day. This means that many people need to go participate in our Democracy. This means that you really don't have anything more important to do. Today is an election day and your priority is to go vote. Polling places are open for roughly 12 hours and during that time you can take a break from your lunch time work outs, your errands, eating at that middle of the road trendy McResturant that you have a coupon for, or any of the other things you think rate as "more important" than going to your polling place and doing your duty and voting.

If you can't or won't go and vote over your lunch hour you can do it before work or after work or during work. Your boss has to let you go. None of the things you want to do are as important and the thing you need to do. You need to go vote. Trust me, tomorrow you can go and do all your self indulgent crap that you would do today, but won't because you were voting instead.

Consider it an electoral pop quiz

You say you don't know enough about the candidates we are voting for - Not good enough. There has been voting guides online and in your newspapers for weeks; maybe you don't spend much time online (liars) or you don't read the papers (losers) there are signs around with names on them, vote for the name on the sign you like the most, vote for the name on the sign that annoys you the least. Give up and just vote for the woman or go for the Hispanic surnames (I did that for years!) - if all else fails, vote for the Democrat!. My local readers and I are voting in primaries, there may be more than one Democrat - Go to the Voters Guide

Karl Rove in in charge of them now

The Republicans will be out in force. This is what they do. Low voter turn out is always in their favor. They know you don't think that this is "important enough", they take your asshat nature for granted. If you don't vote, they will and they will screw you over. Hard. There will be a grand total of about four people at your voting place when you go in, three of them will be GOP operatives. If you don't vote those Roveian creatures will and get you will end up with Gawd Only Knows Who in the general election; and if you don't like who you end up having to choose from in the mid-term elections it will be your fault because you didn't vote. America will stay in the dumper and it will be your fault. Yours and yours alone.

Location of your voting place , local Wake County voters!

(I was ballot number 2 at my voting place at 6:38am)

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