Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Dogger the medium sized red dog

How was your weekend? Dogger and I went to the official leash cutting of our dog park and we had a nice time. We also scored free stuff. Which was even nicer.

Sunday afternoon we went back to the park and it was full of all these, I don’t know. Gen Y people? they thought they were very cool and they insisted on breaking Dog Park protocol and stood around in little clumps talking to their friends instead of hanging around the picnic table and kibitzing with the other dog people. Some of them even brought books! And one was reading the newspaper! at the dog park! - you are supposed to sit around and make semi-uncomfortable small talk between getting up and picking up after your dog. You don’t haul your dog out there so you can read! You are supposed to try to find as many ways as possible to 1) Compliment each others dog collars and B) Say nice things about each others dogs and 3) when all else fail exchange dog food reviews and vet gossip. Shocked. I was shocked with these new people. Also, it never occurred to me to bring a book and I bring books every where. There was one lady there who didn’t even have a dog with her. She was just there for the dog porn. I think Dogger wiped her face on her lap.

Speaking of dog porn. Should I be concerned that Dogger has taken part in not one but two doggy ménage a trios! She’s a girl dog; she shouldn’t be humping anything much less trying to hump some dogs head. It’s all about dominance but still, sitting there watching it? It’s kind of gross. I didn’t think I was going to have to have the sex talk to my neutered dog. I especially didn’t want to have to talk to her about positions. I just kind of assumed that dogs didn’t need tutorials about what end to hump.

Other than the humping, Dogger did well with the new dogs. All the new people gave me the opportunity to go wander with Dogger more then I did before all the new people showed up. Mostly because when there are only five or six people there it seems a little rude to not hang out together. But mostly because I went to go clean up after Dogger and when I got back someone had taken my seat. Dogger ran around more with me as her escort and even played a little chase with a pack of black labs. She was great until I suggested we leave and then she scared the whole park by strongly letting me know she did not want to go home right now and she would just take the leash from me now and she would eat dinner later thank you very much. While Dogger was bitching at me I could see the other owners furtively searching for their dogs because it sounded like my dog was about to go ballistic and sounded like she was going to take the rest of the dogs with her. Once they saw it was a just person being threatened, they calmed down.

I got to pet a rottweiler. I’ve never been that close to one that was not also trying to hump my leg or kill me. It was a young rot and it seemed to be pretty good natured. I don’t think I saw it trying to kill any toddlers the whole time it was there. Of course, there weren’t any toddlers there or maybe it had all ready killed them and moved on, I guess I should say I didn’t see any evidence of toddler slaughter. It was a nice dog to me. There was also a mastiff mix. It was very, very large. Dogger is, it is turning out, not the worlds largest dog. I’m shocked, my world is askew.

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