Friday, June 16, 2006

Mother Nature

It stopped raining.

Of course my house smells like mildew and I discovered last night after spending most of the day looking down to survey the damage that I should have also looked up. My ceilings look like they went seven rounds with Mother Nature – I didn’t even notice until I finally sat down Wednesday night to watch TV and noticed that there was a stain over the couch. I got a little concerned and when I got up I saw out of the corner of my eye that the old stain in the dinning room had gone from a mom and pop corner store sized stain to a super Wal-Mart sized stain. I spent a lot of Wednesday shrieking.

Today is another day. Today it is bright and sunny and dry. Today Dogger and I are going to actually go for a walk. After we go for our walk I am going to go ask my friendly neighborhood roofer to come and look at my roof – in between my shrieking fits on Wednesday I called my home owners insurance.

The neighborhood roofer walked by one day when I was out front and he asked where I was on doing something about my tatty roof. I told him that the roof wasn’t “tatty”, I preferred to see it as Shabby Chic and would until such a time as the neighbors tree fell on it or Mother Nature sent me a raging hail storm.


I should have thanked Mother Nature a couple of weeks ago because the seven inches of rain we had yesterday seemed to fall mainly through the roof of my house and I have to do something before the next storm comes through. Alberto may have been in a weakened state but he still packed a mean right hook. Poor little house can not take punch like that and whatever storm comes through next time is going to knock my poor little house right out.

The insurance lady also suggested that I have the roofing estimator person look at any interior damage as well. She then mentioned I have a $500 deductible so I’ll be having Mr. Roofer look at everything.

I noticed the other day that another neighbor appeared to be having some roofing done and I’ll probably as them who they used before I go see Mr. Roofer. I’m also going to have to figure out how to make the battery back up for my pump stop to stop screaming. I really, really was not happy about having to go down to the still wet basement in my bare feet at twenty after four in the morning to reset it. I checked to see if maybe it tripped its breaker while it was underwater but it hadn’t seemed to. Maybe Mr. Roofer also knows about sump pump battery back up units.

What else.

I out Dogger out in the yard last night and I figured out why the birds may have picked on her in the past. I was inside having a rain induced nervous breakdown and through my haze I heard what sounded like a flock of birds sounding the entire world like the soundtrack for Doggers Death From Above nightmares. I went out there to rescue my poor little dog and found, yes, a lot of pissed off birds, I also found Dogger nose to nose with a bird on the ground. They birds weren’t freaking out because Dogger was out there minding her own business ,they were freaking out because Dogger was minding theirs! I told her to get away from it but she didn’t want to. She didn’t hurt the bird and it flew away after I shouted at her to leave it alone but now I know she may have not been entirely innocent in whatever incident initially spawned her Death From Above anxiety.

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