Thursday, June 29, 2006

Nose to the grindstone

It’s the oddest thing, the closer I get to vacation the better and more efficant employee I become. If senioritus had worked that way, I would have been the valedictorian.

I was so good today. I set a goal for myself, I do this every day but unlike every other day, I actually accomplished it. I was shocked too. I try this all the time, while I’m putting my make up on at home in the morning I say to myself “Today I am going to do XYZ damn it”, and by the end of the day XYZ has been superceded by ABC and then the next day while Im putting on my make up I say “Well, I am going to be all over XYZ...” and if I’m lucky I get half way through X by the end of the month. It can be very disheartening

But today I got XYZ done as well as the daily ABC. If I wasn’t leaving on vacation there is no way I would have gotten any of it done. I want everything to be perfect when I leave. I also want to weld my door shut, but I don’t think that is attainable either.

Today I boxed up 16 boxes of purged material. I pulled all of that since Monday. I’ve been very busy! I decided that every time I open one of my cabinets that if my first reaction is Oh. Gawd and a desire to turn away from it, that I will purge that drawer until I can open it without making any faces or pulling away.

I just don’t want one of my co-workers who don’t go in their often, to go in there while I am gone and find a mess or several messes or see the whole damn thing as a giant mess. I really don’t want to come back to work in two weeks to find a See Me!! note anywhere on my desk, that goes double for the dreaded See Me. emails and even more the very upsetting See Me voice mails. I want to get back to work and see no one.

Todays project is going to be to enter all my purged material lists into the computer, get the boxes off my floor and out of my office and into the hall. In my fondest wish, the truck comes and takes them all away by the end of business. I don’t have much faith in this as I requested a pick up last March and they haven’t made it by yet. I called today and asked when they would be by and they giggled.

I went to the dog park today and got treated to an anti-Bush screed like I haven’t seen since the last demonstration I went to. The GOP has done lost the red necks! This old boy was so full of vitriol I thought his head was going to explode! A red neck! In a Jesus Saves tee-shirt! Claiming Shrub et all has raped the country!- “ Clinton got laid in the White House but George Bush has done raped this country! He started the war and he ain’t gonna end it ever! Ever time you have republican congress and a republican in the white house you got repression and depression, you can check it out too! Bush has turned the USA into a third world nation. You’re rich or you’re poor! The middle class is being starved out!!” and on and on in this vein until he wore himself out. The red necks are leaving the big tent.

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