Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Mums the word

I broke ( in spirit if not in letter) again my I Ain't Buying Nothing I Can’t Eat spending diet. I went to the farmers market and picked up a couple of nice mums for the front steps. It wasn’t a total break from the diet because back in high school, we used to eat mums. Okay, I didn’t but I watched others do so and they never fell over dead in front of me or anything so I took from that that mums are a type of food and are therefore not a total cheat of the spending edict. I went with orange because it blends with my bricks and because U.T kicked O.U ass this weekend.

The mums are pretty no?

I didn’t have eat lunch over lunch because we had a Birthday Breakfast at 9:30 and it turns out that most people do not count a can of coke as breakfast food! I was shocked! It turns out that most people eat things like sausage biscuits and grits (ewwwwww) and eggs and pancakes and donuts and they drink, not Coke but orange juice and chocolate milk. Imagine my shock. I also discovered over the course of the day if they ever decided to bring back the scarlet lettering idea ( fail to vote out your local Rethuglicans on Election Day and the scarlet lettering will come back. Sin now while the sinning is good. A public flogging is never worth it, no matter how much fun you had the night before…) that they could totally use powdered donuts as a base material. That shite gets everywhere and you can’t get it off. Eat one powered donut and it will follow you all day.

I’m glad that ABC decided to bite the hand that feeds it with the whole Foley Boinking Underage Pages thing. If they were trying to make up with me they couldn’t have done it at a better time since CBS cancelled Smith and left me with a sad opening in my Tuesday night TV watching schedule. I have been boycotting ABC because they chose to air that right wing propaganda piece a couple of weeks ago ( the boycott was easy, I only watch one thing on ABC) and since then I have been taping Boston Legal . In my world tapping instead of watching is an adequate boycott. I watched it when I was ready to watch it, it’s different than watching it when they want me to watch it. It’s about control and I tape it on the same machine that I tape CSI- Miami on so it would get David Caruso cooties on it as well as not getting the honor of me watching it first run.

Anyway. ABC has somewhat redeemed themselves in the mean time and now since I can’t watch Smith anymore, I can go back to watching Boston Legal at its regularly scheduled time. Like ABC cares they're off my shit list, but it matters to me.

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