Tuesday, October 10, 2006

That Darn Cat! part 289

I decided that in The Dianaverse that October would be the first annual “I ain’t buying nothin’ I can’t eat” Month . So, I bought a new purse.

It’s very nice and I got a great deal on it and it is very trendy and its red - but a very “good” red. I even took Dogger with me when I went out to window shop so that I wouldn’t be tempted to spend too much time wandering around not buying things and being tempted to buy non-edibles The less time spent wandering around is directly proportional to the amount of time spent standing in line divided by the size of the check I would end up having to write for the things I did not go shopping to buy.

When I am really strong, or have just paid my plastic bill and feeling really, really poor, I leave my purse in the car. No purse means no wallet means no check book means no purchase! And if I really want the thing I do not need I’m going to have to work to get it. Even better, I am forced to leave the store entirely! By the time I get out to the car I may or may not remember why I am in the parking lot in the first place and figure if I’m out there, it must be because I am going home. This works in theory but I’m not quite demented yet, so usually it just stalls the inevitable.

I kind of want credit for not buying the shiny urn thing I saw at the store I got the purse at. The shiny urn thing was very pretty and it would look so cute in my downstairs bedroom, I even knew exactly where I would put it. But I was strong. I limited my buying to something I actually needed or failing that, I limited myself to a purely utilitarian object and went without the pretty, shiny, purely ornamental thing.

Other women buy shoes or start acquiring cats, I buy purses. It’s really a very good way to keep up with fleeting trends without having to replace your entire wardrobe every few months. It allows me to have some sort of outward display of trendiness without also having to wear leggings in public.

What else?

Oh. I over slept this morning. It was such fun and it was really an invigorating way to start the day. I highly don’t recommend it.

I am a light sleeper, so when I casually rolled over and looked at the clock I did so with confidence, secure in the knowledge that it was probably 4, maybe 4:30am. It usually is the first time. So neurotic am I, I haven’t woken up the trill of my alarm in weeks. Imagine my shock when I rolled over and it was 6:37am! on a MONDAY!!

I couldn’t spend much time having a tantrum, as much as I wanted to. I hurriedly got dressed, took the dog out, pilled the cat and went to work. Notice there is no “fed the dog” in there. There should have been a “Grilled the Kitty on his role in the Alarm Clock fiasco”. In the no time I had this morning, I did have a spare second to check the clock. The alarm had magically reset it self for 7:05am. It can’t do this on its own and I hadn’t messed with it. The only “person” who could have done something to it is The Kitty!

Until I wised up and velcrowed the clock down, Kitty was regularly sending it crashing to the floor (instead of asking me politely to feed him at 2:45am, he went straight to the big guns as a method of forcing my compliance) I think the clock didn’t like this or was even (shockingly) not made to withstand repeated slammings into the floor. In fact, now the clock has developed a very suspicious rattling sound to it that it would never have developed if it hadn’t spent so much time being thrown to the floor. Maybe when I get home I’ll make it up to Dogger by feeding her The Kitty…

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