Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Healthy Living

I think I got the blood donor thing figured out. If you don’t have enough naturally occurring iron in your body, you add iron to your body. Or if you are me, you kind of ignore the stated directions on the bottle and probably kind of over dose yourself - but your blood sinks like a stone and you are allowed to give blood. 6 of one, half dozen of the other.

Those things are frickin horse pills; I wasn’t going to swallow those monsters and not get to give. It was awesome I watched it fall like a brick! The last time they let me give it kind of floated around like a dying gold fish.

Like a stone!

While my blood drop was making dropping like a prom gown, they were taking my blood pressure. It was high, it would have been high if I wasn’t medicated - in fact, it was back where it was pre-medication, actually. Almost exactly.

The phlebotomist blamed it on the rainy weather, and the drive. I knew the rain wasn’t an issue and I drove a grand total of three blocks in it with no problem. I knew what was stressing me.


Post blood letting, I came home and watched the second of my Netflix DVDs that have been sitting around, actually, I watched the other one a couple of days ago but I didn’t send it back because I wanted to send them back together. It’s stupid. Anyway. I watched the first two of the 7 Up films, They are documentaries made about the same group of British school children starting at age 7 and now, I think their “up” to 49 or something close to it.

So far I am enjoying it and the children, although most of the children, especially the better off children, need to be slapped. One of the wealthy boys, I believe may have been born 45 years old. Very sad, that. I may just being a classist though, Gawd knows the film makers were. Some of the children were not as well off and a few were living in an orphanage. The less well off children were portrayed as being some what dirty, went to schools right out of Dickens, were poorly disciplined and messy. The rich children were tidy, enjoyed small class size, went to highly structured boarding schools where they learned to do as they were told in latin and to go to bed at a reasonable hour.

They also knew at age seven where they would be going to college. The poor children knew at age seven where they would be working. In the second installment, they are 14; the 45 year old seven year old was now in his sixties. Unpleasant child.

What am I not talking about? Oh, yeah, that. The thing. I’m not talking about it because I am not watching it. First I watched my DVD and then I watched House and then I wrote this and after this I’m going to go to bed.

I’ll find out tomorrow. I found put we did well! I am not the lucky charm to the Democrats that I had hoped myself to be. Perhaps I should get depressed and sit out more election cycles.

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