Monday, January 8, 2007

Ordinary Time

Christmas is over ya’ll! I know some of ya’ll took the tree to the curb on your way to the day after Christmas door busters sales - but for the rest of us, sigh. Christmas is over. I know it was technically “over” when the first Valentines Day crap went up, but that happened December 23.. But then retailers had their trees up before Halloween. People talk about how times flies but it isn’t time that is going faster it’s the displays are going up sooner. It makes time fly unnaturally. If the war of Christmas crazies want to get into it, why don’t they pick on the retailers that have tree’s up on Labor Day? Huh? Thats the real war on Christmas, if you ask me.

Anyway. I spent Saturday returning the house to ordinary time. It took all damn day.First, I had to take the lights down, I should note that it rained like hell the night before:

Saturday was gorgegous, I tried to get Dogger interested in lending a paw, but she claimed she was "supervising".

After the lights were taken down, it was time to start on the interior decorations:

With the little stuff taken care of it was time to tackle the tree. Sigh.

I undecorated the tree, box up the ornaments and corral the denuded tree, which despite it’s status as a artificial tree, still managed to drop about a cubic yard of needles on my carpet.

...and then shifted the whole lot upstairs. Box by box.


That was a lot of work. To reward myself I decided to hook up my new Christmas DVD/VCR. Do you have any idea how many cables and wire thingies and coaxali go into hooking up your DVD and VCRs? A lot. Do you know how much coaxali and cables and wire things go into hooking up a DVD/VCR? Do you know how many cables and wire thingies and coaxal wind up circling you when you get a head of yourself and unhook your exsisting stand alone DVD player and VCR? and then add another DVD/VCR into the mix? A whole damn lot! And did you know all cables and wires and whatnot all look exactly the same? And if you aren’t careful you wind up with too many of each and then you may end up blowing something up? And not close by either, with all those wires and cables and coaxal scattered around and plugged in all willy nilly, something has got to give and whatever you blow up is probably going to be in like in India or somewhere and wind up killing like 736 people just because you suck hooking up small electronics?

And did you know how crazy this can make you if you spent all day boxing up things and running up and down the stairs like 174 times?

Did you know that Alphagal can correctly tell the difference between three separate combinations of wires, cable thingies and coaxali - and then hook all those things up correctly, sight unseen, over the phone? On the first try? While sitting at a restaurant?

Alphagal is magic.

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