Friday, February 2, 2007

Wake County Schools Suck.

Today it pretended to snow again. The schools took the opportunity to drill what they would do if they actually were faced with a real weather related emergencey and were forced to close the schools.Someday, when we get actual, seriously bad weather - the school cancellation will go really smoothly. No panic, no stressing.

The scool system is damn good at it, all the driling it into the kids that bad weather= stay at home; it's not easy to train good habits out of them. But they do their best to make sure their students have no work ethic whatsoever. Those lessons has to last them into adulthood. They need to learn that if the streets are wet - they just shouldn’t risk it. The kids can’t read or write but damn it, they can deal with classes being cancelled like champs.

So. Since it was wet and cold and nasty and I wasn’t going to go to the park or walk Dogger under the circumstances - Gawd created fenced yards for a reason.

I went shopping instead. I still was looking for an appropriate baptism gift for Tiny E. I was on a mission. So after exhaustive online searches I settled on a old fashioned brick and mortar store for my purchase. The store was even kind enough to provide a handy map and directions. Yes, my old friend online directions. I know they’re always wrong, I know they mean me harm... But.

I printed out the directions. There was a problem right off. While the map mentioned streets that are found on Dix campus, the streets they mentioned didn’t exactly have anything to do with getting off campus. It just seemed to be a random selection of streets. I’m glad they recognized that there are streets on Dix, it was a nice gesture. I wished it hadn’t been a rude gesture.

There is a major street in front of Dix. An artery if you will. It’s big. It runs right through town and it’s hard to get from point D on my map to point E if you don’t use that street. I mean, you could fly, but you’re just going to fly right over it. It’s hard to ignore.

My map did.

Ignored a lot of streets that you really kind of have to use if you are trying to get to where I was trying to get to. It turns out there were a lot of streets that my map just kind of ignored.

It wasn’t all wrong. Once, I found one of the streets and from there I did run across other streets mentioned on the map. They weren’t exactly where the map said they would be but I got excited every time I ran across one. At least I knew I was headed in the right direction. Kind of. I knew I wasn’t going in circles because I never did see a damn thing I recognized.

Against all odds, in the dark, in the rain, in a strange neighborhood and frankly, by accident - I found the store!

And it was closed, on account of the weather. I blame the schools.

Time for Plan B .

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