Tuesday, July 3, 2007

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing

And how was your day?

I left work early, rushed home and hurried Dogger to the vet. I almost didn’t call the vet at all, I had found the left over ear mite stuff and I was using that - which would have been great - if she actually had ear mites. I had second thoughts after I looked at the calender and realized that we’re leaving on vacation before too much longer and I had a vison of me scanning the horizon hoping to find a 24 Hour Emergency Vet/Video Rental/Take Out Chinese in East Nowhere while we were on the road. I called the vet.

There is no such thing as a free lunch or reuseable left over dog meds. Just donate that 2/3s full bottle of whatnot because your dog will never be sick in the same way again and perish the thought of either one of my animals ever being mearly a little ill. My animals only gets the most baroque forms of illness. When the vet examined her ears she didn’t find anything as prosaic as mere mites, she found a superfund site and if her ears were Love Canal, her neck was the Cuyahoga River. They shaved her and now she appears to be wearing some sort of inflamed cravat. Lovely. My little over achiever.

I knew there was something funky about Doggers ears while on the ride to the vet the car, OMG the smell... I was like .Dear Gawd! Dogger, not so fresh feeling much? and this was with the windows open! I hadn’t noticed in the house because its not nearly as enclosed, and Denial... I should have known though, every time we were outside there weren’t any mosquitoes around, they were all flying away holding their noses and crying... And I had been cleaning her ears out too, a lot. I couldn’t come near her holding anything smaller than her food dish without her bobbing and weaving and employing ever evasive maneuver in her arsenal. Who knew she attended black Ops training? But she must have done well because she successfully camouflaged herself as a sock. We so did not learn that at Puppy School. I knew I shouldn’t have let her hang out with those German Shepards. I should have been more suspicious when they came in knowing how to disassemble a cars alternator , something the rest of the class didn’t learn until the 6th week. Daisy came in with the ability to tear out the squeaker of a chew toy in 5.4 minutes. The shepards could field strip an AK-47 in 1.5 minutes or 25 seconds if you didn’t want the enemy to be able to use it. Sigh.

Anyway. Dogger not only has a yeast infection she also has a bacterial infection and an infected”hot spot” the size of mans hand on her chest. Three diagnosis, four prescriptions, $199.89.

The left over ear mite treatment? Useless! And probably made the situation worse, the OTC ear mite stuff I had been using before I found the left over med? I might as well been dumping tabasco sause into her ear canal. I didn’t even tell them about the vitamin E I lubed her ear up after consulting a web site dedicated to doggy home remedies. Lesson Learned - In Real Life, It Is Not Just Like An Episode of House, You Must First Know What You Are Treating Before You Treat It.

The last time I saw a medical professional? $25. If I had to send Dogger or The Kitty to an optomistrist, I would have to mortgage the house.

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