Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Yay! The TV is back!

I waiting for my No Pudge! brownies to come out of the oven- because I can’t think of a better time to bake something than when my kitchen sink is constipated and my dishwasher is on strike. Who knew that dishwashers were members of the UAW?

I’m hoping to really enjoy my lovely chocolate brownies and to not taste them and decided that they are really full of shite. Just in case I’m keeping some frosting on standby.

Well, they're out of the oven. They don’t taste bad, it’s just that I’m used to tasting more. I’m sure they will taste much better after I slather them with pink frosting. Doesn’t everything taste better after it has been slathered with pink frosting?

The directions said to use yogurt but if you didn’t have yogurt you could use apple sauce instead but I’m thinking I should have used sweetened apple sauce. The brownies feel all right and really, the only way to eat a brownie is right out of the oven. Every third or fourth bite reminds me of a brownie, but I don’t know if it’s because it fleetingly tasted like a brownie or if it’s a really sense memory of a past brownie coming to the surface. They certainly look like brownies.

Maybe I should have gone with one of their flavored varieties. You know? I checked the web site and it looks like they have quite a few different varieties, the ones they sell at the nicer grocery stores. I’m actually surprised I found them on the shelf at my grocery at all and it wasn’t easy. They were as hidden as any product has ever been. I’m pretty sure they weren’t even faced forward. The only reason I even saw it was I caught a glimpse of a piggy and I thought Damn! Truth in Advertising in the dessert aisle! Most of what they sell at my grocery seems be have been made in league with the less desirable elements of the diabetic supply industry - They have done their market research they know who shops there. They want to make sure that they catch everyone they can. If being force fed sweetened ice tea all your life doesn’t do you in, they’ll find other ways : They’ll put sugar in the batter you deep fry your main course in.

Other than the faux brownies, which I think are like that fake coffee they sold during the war, chicory? They are chicory chocolate brownies. The smell of a new TV season is in the air. In my house it smells of left overs because I’m pretty sure I’m not watching anything that wasn’t on the air last year. There could be all kinds of good things out there but I don’t watch reruns (much) and since about June, if it wasn’t advertised on HGTV I wasn’t going to find out about it. Monday night I watched CSI Miami and cursed Aaron Sorkin for being such an ass the TV industry killed his how out of spite. If he were nicer I would have watched the second season premiere of Studio 60, but No, he must be some sort of enormous asshole so I had to watch CSI Miami instead.

Last night was better. I hate FAUX but I lurve Bones and House. I did not love the Boston Legal 90 minute opening though, don’t they know I do not have time to watch my 30 Rock DVDs much less to watch taped TV shows? I mean, really. They should have asked first.

Tonight is CSI-NY and I can’t wait. Thursday is even better with My Name is Earl and Without a Trace returns. I don’t want to miss E.R either but I haven’t seen when it is coming back. Saturday SNL is back for it’s 33rd season and next Thursday 30 Rock... I’m going to be busy! I wonder if I could duct tape Dogger to the exercise bike?

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