Thursday, April 17, 2008

Here We Go Again, Gawd, I hope not.

I just finished up some much needed housekeeping, I finally cleaned out my inbox. It had been a while. A long while. Octoberish.If you think dust bunnies are bad, 1289 emails are like dust Hippos!

I was really proud of myself last September when I last did this. I put everything into the files I set up, made a vow not to save missives from groups I don’t honestly care about and deleted crap until I got a cramp in hand. I give money to the groups I do care about and they return the favor by selling my addy to any lefty cause that asks for it.

Not anymore. I made the vow because my mail box got very full and while it doesn’t really matter, I get to where I really begin to take the presences of each other them personally and I start to feel picked on. And my mail box gets fuller and fuller and I start to start other files on my web based mail and I start getting File Room flash backs. I totally feel for Jim Brady and he and his group are doing Gawds work, really but , please, stop sending me updates. I too, have issues with handguns and their availability but, please. Impeach Now!, Answer and about half a dozen other groups that all want something for me. I’m looking at you Code Pink.

So far Election 2008 has less than a hundred pieces of mail in it. Election 2004 has about a thousand.. I believe that at some point I had files for Dean and Kerry but I think I had a tantrum and got rid of them. I still have a vestigial Kerry file but it can’t be the original version, from April 19, 2004

Dear Diana ,
Thank you very much for registering at -- your support is instrumental in the success of our campaign -- and you have made the first step by signing up today. Now that you are a supporter, have you checked out our Online Action Headquarters? Want to hit the road and canvass on behalf of the campaign? Or, if you want to help us raise money for the crucial next phase of the campaign -- come to the Kerry Core and help build the campaign with your enthusiasm and support!

I was a Dean person and I kind of remember getting lots and lots of missives from his campaign, months and months before anything really started up. I saw Kerry as the enemy because he was so slick and well funded. How dare he be slick and well funded! Those aren’t progressive values at all. I should sign up to get email from all the campaigns this time around, but the whole thing is making my head hurt so much.

Victory Celebration

Sheraton Raleigh Capital Center Hotel, 421 South Salisbury Street.
Join the Unity Campaign and our Wake County Democratic candidates on
election night starting at 7:30pm at the Sheraton Raleigh Capital Center
Governor's Ballroom 1 & 2

-- President Bush declares victory in 2004 presidential election telling supporters "America has spoken."
-- Sen. John Kerry tells supporters, "We cannot win this election," congratulates President Bush.

But I’m putting that behind me. That was then this is now. At the very least George H. W. Bush can not be elected again. So score one for the good guys. Or the less than completely evol guys. In the past I’ve been a Daily Show John McCain fan. He seemed funny and self-deprecating. He used to be against the war and wasn’t fond of Republicans, running as I remember as an Independent - which is bull shit, it’s just Republican-Lite and where Republicans who lose elections take their toys to and pout until the next election cycle . He has always been nominally Republican even if he wasn’t donating to the RNC. He didn’t seem to be cut from the same Dangerous Loon cloth as the rest of the GOP.

But then he decided to run for President. Again and he began courting the far right wing crazies because Republicans can’t get elected if they don’t kow-tow to the clinically insane. He went into a meeting with the chief wackos and came out in a suit made from Dangerous Loon, was pro-war and more pro-torture than the former torture victim had been before he donned the crazy suit. No Democratic candidate would go and have a sit down with the leaders of A.N.S.W.E.R. or Code Pink to ask for their blessing. Because they are wacky! You take their money, not their advice.

In 2004, I had was Kerry sign in my window - I was afraid of insulting my neighbors.2008, I have a yard sign for Obama. This time around? They can worry about insulting me.

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