Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday Photoblogging

Random Raleigh

There would have been more of an entry today but when I came home from work I had to dig a trench in the backyard. In the rain. You would be surprised how tired you are after shoveling muck and draining your yard. In the rain. I also discovered that leaves and branches aren't the only things the neighbors tree has left in my yard - it has also left very large roots that neither I or my shovel are butch enough to cut through, fortunately I did run across a smaller one while I was further along my trench that I was able to make pay for it's transgressions. My basement is still wet.

I'm not cut out for that kind of work. I just finished reading A Painted House, the John Grisham book about a poor family of cotton farmers in 1952 Arkansas and their trials during harvest season. Yesterday, I got blisters on my both my hands from playing on a swing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Re photos: All great, but my favorite is the rainbow w/power lines.