Friday, May 2, 2008

I should think less

I can’t tell if the cold I’m working on is a late Winter cold or an early Summer cold or spring allergies. I hate multiple choice. I would gather that the bacteria that cause sore throats really don’t check the calendar before they do their thing ”Okay. Let’s see. I have a sore throat, a mild flu and a stuffed nose on the schedule. OH, wait, I can’t go with the sore throat until at least July or it will get confused with an allergy. I hate that those guys get all our glory this time of year. It really plays hell with my morale, I’ll tell you. I guess I’ll save the sore throat and go with the stuffed up nose, I’ll still lose the credit but it’s less work.” .

I think sore throats would be more work to maintain, it would seem that someone would have to be there all the time to keep the area good and inflamed and to make sure that the pain is consistent - a lot of work, every swallow has got to hurt. It’s a crap shoot though, all that work that may end up being a waste because it might end up with anti-biotics and once they’re in the office the lay off’s are immanent - Unless you have the wherewithal to turn it into tonsillitis or something. That is where the glory is, organ involvement. I mean once you have infected an entire organ, you’re a rock star around the office.

I actually blame all the rain. It was dry for months and I was fine, now it’s all damp and I’m sick again. Do you need to aid water to germs to make them work? Like those seeds in the desert that are fine for months and months without water but then once the rain does fall they just go bananas.

Do you think this is the fault of the dirt store? Could all that lovely designer dirt have done this? Where was the quality control? Do you think it’s really Chinese dirt? I was fine before and now you know, ow. I’ve long believed everything made in China is made by enslaved political dissidents, could their dirt be political dissidents? With head colds! My cold was made in China! Goodness, it should only last a couple of days before it peters out. A genuine made-in-the-USA cold would hang on for weeks. It’s all about pride in craftsmanship.

Raleigh wouldn’t buy cheap Chinese dirt would they? I know we use prison labor for a lot around here, as in if you are a state employee just about everything you touch is made by prison labor. But not the pens, the prisoners make really sucky pens. I had one and while it looked really cool and for a free pen it was really heavy and blingy – it lasted only about six weeks before it stopped working.

But I would still assume if the dirt store was going to use ground up prisoners as an additive to our dirt, they would use homegrown ground up prisoners and not fool around with the cheap imported ground up prisoners that China sells. And hell, with the problems their having now with quality control? Gawd only knows what you might end up growing in your garden along with the carrots and tomatoes. You could walk out to your garden and find it was taken over by Bok Choy! No, if you are going to use ground up prisoners as an additive in your soil, buy local.


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