Friday, May 23, 2008


I'm so glad it's Friday! It's been a long week. The phones at work have been going crazy all week and while I don't actually take those calls the people who do have been making me anxious. Not real surprising, the crazy volume of calls seems to be generated by crazy people. There are "behavioral health units" all over the state that are giving their patients way too much access to the unit pay phone. There is entirely too much time alloted to making phone calls and not enough time dedicated to therapeutic basket weaving. All of these callers are actually completely sane and really confused why those mean deputies hauled them in front a judge and why that mean old judge sent them here or they voluntarily committed themselves, but they are feeling much better now and are annoyed that they can't just voluntarily un-comit themselves, and every one of them are under the impression that we can do something for them. We can't.

We have a new hire who just started taking calls and while she's been training for three weeks, it's one thing to talk about the callers it's quite another to actually talk to them.

Even with the new hire we are still short staffed, our even more recent new hire won't be able to take calls for at least another week and the hiring process for new person #3 hasn't even started yet plus we have one intake person on vacation this week and when she gets back another is starting hers. Crazy Asshole was a worthless employee and the intake person who was on vacation this week is a gigantic whiner, but at least they were at work they were able to take calls and share the workload. I like the new people but they are far from carrying their own weight yet.

But its Friday. The Friday before a three day weekend! Thank You God! I'm excited about the circus too, I'm haven't been to one in years and I've never been to one as an adult and I don't think I've ever been to one that was not Ringling Brothers. The circus that I'm going to is out of Mexico, are Mexican circusi different from American circusi? Or are they just kind of like Kabuki, always the same no matter where they are performed? Do circusi have language independent of a spoken one? Are they reflective of the society that created them or do they reflect only what is before them? Is a clown car really just a clown car? Or do they symbolize something else entirely? do they really illustrate a society's lack of access to or acceptance of birth control?

Why yes, I do think too much. I blame it on the lame undergrad Psych of Women course I took one semester from a woman who was clinically humorless. There were two men, one hot, in that class and she called on the hot guy first evertime to get his thoughts as a man on whatever it was she was talking about and she was almost always talking about sex, not gender, sex. The woman couldn't recognize a cigar if she tripped over a humidor, but she could play spot the penis like a champ. She saw penis' everywhere and in everything. To this day I can't look at a pack of Camels without seeing the little man and his erect penis in the camel's leg.

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