Monday, June 16, 2008


I was a good little citizen on Saturday. Despite the fact it was hotter than hell outside and humid enough to make the wallpaper curl and I was forced to miss Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me! on the radio, I attended The South Central CAC Community Festival, which was held at noon, outdoors and staged on a parking lot. I was introduced to someone as, You know her, she's the the white girl with the dog. It was all good though. I got a free hot dog, a complementary tee shirt and a chance to pet a police horse out of it. It was a nice change from the last time I was around police horses, they was in full riot gear and petting was not encouraged.

Earlier on Saturday they held the annual Race for The Cure in Raleigh. It drew about 24,000. I know it was for a very good cause but I saw them 24,000 strong monstrous, many tentacled detour of pain-in-the-assedness. "Fun" runs are great fun for the people who are participating in them, but no one else is having fun. I would prefer these things to explore their running track options and other places that do not require me to drive miles out of the way. If you can have "fun" running down major thoroughfares and blocking traffic for hours, you can have a blast running around and around and around a track as well. The last time I had a Saturday vet appointment was the weekend when Dogger was trying to die and we got held up by a run that weekend too. I have yet to have fun at a fun run.

The Kitty had his quarterly vet appointment for his blood draw/blackmail. If I don't take him in and let them draw his blood and my money, they won't give me a prescription for his pred. They called me last week to let me know if he ended up needing to be anesthetized for the blood draw that I would have to make another appointment and come back. I assured them that The Kitty has his very own muzzle and that has work out well in the past. What I did not say was with gas hovering around $4 a gallon, I don't come back and I am not making any second trips. We were going to do this on the first try or we were going to assume that if he is healthy enough to fight, he's healthy enough for three more months of pred.

He has lost weight and oddly, the vet did not seemed happy about it. The vets in the past have always been happy about it when he has lost weight because he has always had so much of it to lose. I point out that he was at 21 pounds and after much dieting/torture he was at 17 and then he got very ill and stayed that way for a while and he was down to about 11 pounds, which really was skeletal for him by the time my ex-vet tested and tested and tested for everything in the entire world and ultimately put him on the very healthy, Birkenstock-granola-lifestyle-gluten-free food he's on now, which worked like magic, but maybe too healthy over the long haul. I'm hoping that all it is, that all he needs is something with a higher fat content. Do they make gluten free cat treats?

1 comment:

Cat said...

As someone who has done more than her share of fun runs, fun runs aren't really fun for the people running in them either. The ones having fun are the ones counting the cash at the end. They should call them "suffer through a 100-degree 5K and pay for the priviledge by pestering your friends and coworkers for money ahead of time and no, we won't let you in for anything under a $300'donation' runs." Parking for a fun run is almost as fun as detouring in traffic around a fun run.

I like your idea of a track-- then they could set up port-a-jons and water stations in the middle, and you'd spend less time thinking "Why the HECK didn't I go one last time before this thing started?"