Friday, October 23, 2009


I came home from work and killed two wasps in my living-room. And how was your day? I really don't think this is the right time of year for wasps and I don't think there is any right time for there to be wasps in your living-room .

Tiny, however is just about beside himself with joy! He suddenly has these fabulous new toys that move all by themselves and make noise and they do all these neat things! He's been literally bouncing off the furniture since last night. I didn't however know why,  I had thought he was freaking out because  I had tracked in some meth from the fairgrounds last weekend, it was unavoidable,  but as it turns out, it was wasps, real wasps not  hallucinations that he was chasing.  I was getting worried because I thought I saw the beginnings of a kitty mullet and that 86' camaro I saw in front of the house must belong to someone else.

I bet people think I keep my vacuum out because I want it out to clean up messes quickly but in real life I keep it out because it is an effective means of pest control. Roaches, wasps, crickets, none of them can survive being sucked to death in a vacuum and thanks to the hose attachment, I can have a satisfactory bug killing experience without having to risk having the bug get anywhere near me.

Due to this method of pest control, I probably am the only person who is actively afraid to change their vacuum bag because of fears of retaliation,  but I'm working on that. If the sucking doesn't kill them I can arrange to have them suffocated and ultimately, crushed by tons of dog hair and dust. I make those vacuum bags work.

Okay. About ten minutes ago every cop in Southeast Raleigh went roaring past my house with sirens blaring and there will not be a single word about it in the paper tomorrow. I want to know what algorithm they use at the paper to determine newsworthiness. I swear to Gawd, the law enforcement equivalent of the 82nd Airborne went past my house going a houndred miles an hour and I will neverwhy.

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