Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I just had a very ADD moment. I had settled in front of the machine and flipped through a couple or five sites I wanted to check on and then got to the business of getting an entry done. And then I decided that I really, really needed to make dog cookies! Right Now!  Green shamrock cookies to be precises and I needed to get these done right here right now because if I didn't do it right here right now Dogger might run out of cookies tomorrow or the next day! There was no time to waste!

I picked up and rushed to the kitchen and turned on the oven and gathered up my ingredients and had to decide what kind of cookies these shamrocks were going to be, and since I didn't have any bacon or cheese  in the house and Dogger can't have peanut butter or molasses, which I do have in the house,  I went with my new little friend beef bouillon. The valentines were beef flavored and I kind of wanted to mix it up a bit and give her something new to taste. I know it totally matters to her but I have my cookie making pride to maintain.

The valentines were red and I added the coloring too late and I thought it was going to be a problem but then it wasn't and so this time I added the color at the right time and it was a problem. I ended up with marbling and I hate that. I should have just added it when I did the last time, but the last time I wasn't so ADD and I had more patience with the dough. Today I was not patient  and sadly and I ended up with streaky cookies. I recognize that Dogger doesn't care about what the cookies look like but it matters to me and I like to maintain a certain level of  cookie quality here.

The shamrocks are larger too so I got fewer but if I get it together it won't matter because it will bunny and chick cookie time! Yay bunnys and chicks!  What color should they be? Yellow certainly for the chicks but what color should the bunnies be? Do they make white food coloring?

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