Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Today my dishwasher is no longer a fire hazard. I'm so proud. I had to come home at lunch to let the repair guy in and while he removed large pieces of flammable metal from the maw of the machine I kept myself busy by preparing my dinner ahead of time - the garden totally paid for itself, I said Hmm. What do I want to eat? I need to get some of this stuff out of my refrigerator. Hmm. I see some ground meat of some sort and that needs to be eaten, what's out in the garden?"

As it turned out I had peppers out in the garden so I picked the largest one and made myself a nice stuffed pepper for dinner. Then I decided that Dogger should be bathed after work so I pulled out her towels and made a decision about her bedding and then I ate some lunch and went back to work only a half hour later than later. Not bad.

I came home after work, walked Dogger, fed Dogger, put the pepper in the oven,  found some noodles that needed eating and settled in to read my Real Simple, finding my next craft project! Alphagal call me! We're making a lamp with little birds attached to it! In real life it cost $595, we're going to beat that. Be prepared, there are tiny metal birds and dangerous involvment with electricity in your future.

And then I fell asleep. Hard. The kind of hard where you suddenly wake up and panic because there is a really strong possibility that it is now tomorrow and you wasted all of what was left of today. Fortunately, it was still today and I had not wasted all of it, although I did end up bathing Dogger in the almost dark.

She got bathed and her bedding and towels are in the laundry and her Futon and dog bed are clean and smell good. There is still a film of dog hair on her carpet that I should have dealt with but didn't. There is always tommorrow, unless I sleep through it.

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