Friday, May 20, 2011


 Then - Guess whats coming to myyyy houuusseee Saturday morning??
 Now - Guess what came to my house this evening?

Give up? Come on! Guuuuesssseeee!!! Come on! Be imaginative! What would I be very excited about coming to my house? What is going on in my life that needs to be out of my life? What do I have that needs a "what" to deal with? Gawd!

I wrangled a  BACKHO AND A DUMP TRUNK!!!!!  And they are going to taaaaaakkkkkkeeeeee aawwwwwwyyyyy the massive ROOTBALL and  they filled the giant hole with the mmuuuuulllcccchhhhhh!! Squeeeeeeeee!

What is left of the stump

And even better? I talked the guy down from his original estimate!! WoooooHooooo!!!

And  before that, I replanted the watermelons from under the pumpkins. One went in the garden and one in the plot next to the satellite green beans.

A BACKHO AND A DUMP TRUCK!!!!!  Sqeeeee!!!!

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