Wednesday, January 18, 2012


In honor of being extremely over my hacking cough and painful bruised rib, I decided to bring out the really big OTC gun - My home made chicken soup. I am awaiting my immediate curing. I had two heaping servings a couple of hours ago and it should be kicking in momentarily.

Not kicking in and  while taking a break for a fit of coughing, noticed I was not cured. My hacking cough and intransient rib pain have not abated. The soup is terrific but apparently not the miraculous cure I had thought it would be. Perhaps it needed more chicken fat, it ended up with a lot of  non healing chicken bones but not a significant amount of super healing schmaltz. When I am healthy I am aggrieved by chicken fat,  when I am sick I crave it.

I am so tried of being sick, even this obnoxious state of  sickesque as I have been for the last month, I fear that this state is my new baseline. On the upside, it reminds me of school and being young enough to be truly sick  now, years later and years older, I'm not truly sick and yet I feel sick.

I also feel as though this is all apart of some sort of a test that I am failing. This morning I finally got my long promised new computer at work. I had heard that it is a terrible thing and the new computer would kill me but I was hopeful. They set it up after I went home on Friday and left me with little more than a scrap of paper with some code scribbled on it without any explanation of what to do with it. They also left it unplugged, so while it worked for two minutes after I arrived at my desk, it soon stopped. I did not know why. I thought it was going to kill me louder, or at least in my more interesting way. I mean making me want to take a long nap isn't very exciting. I always want to take a nap. Maybe its going to kill me in my sleep.

Instead of  falling into a computer generated shame spiral - I didn't do anything but I didn't do anything either. And not a cool CGI one like Pixar, an uncool one like Japanmation. I  decided to believe that the office gnomes were busy messing with me. Again. And then I called the head IT woman, actually I called "a" IT woman and got her and then she had a temper tantrum because of how my computer was left at me.It still sucks being yelled at even when its not your fault, it feels like it. I love being screamed at by management.

We decided that everyone who is not her in her department and my boss are completely inadequate and stupid and working against her and she was right and they were wrong. I told her she was right and everyone is working againts her. It made her happy and she sent a minion to fix my machine.

1 comment:

Y.M. said...

Sounds like something out of Dilbert. Ashia!