Thursday, March 28, 2013

Puppy School Week 5

Today we learned that "Rocket just doesn't know where his feet are" . I do not agree, I think Rocket does know where exactly his feet are,  I think he thinks that walking between the rungs of a ladder is a dumb thing to do and he doesn't understand why he is asked to do it.

But he has to do it. I brought the ladder up from the basement and I had him walk it a few times but he was a dismal failure so I stopped working on it because well, "dismal failure" does not motivate me to want to do it over and over and over again. It should be the best reason, but it doesn't.

Smashing Success makes me do it over and over and over again! Ask us to run through the tunnel again or through the lamo tire jump and we'll just do those all night! He very much likes the tunnels and he's waiting for the pretend teeter-totter to be interesting, no teeter and very little totter. That damn ladder though, that's a huge bitch.

Next week is our graduation.  They said we could bring someone with us to record our dogs doing the agility course, I really want someone to come with me to record him... Any volunteers?

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