Monday, December 7, 2015


What I got accomplished this weekend:

1. Finished my garland!
2, Got the decorations out of the attic
3. Went to Petco and got Rockets picture with Santa
4. Had Rockets Christmas cards made
5. Picked up my friends Christmas gift
6.Vacuumed the front yard
7. Got my outdoor decos up
8. Decorated the living room
9. Decorated the car
10.Hosted Alphagal, Broskey and tiny children to decorate the tree,
11. Made many of the puff balls I plan to give to co-workers for gifts.
12, Went to art fair and bought art (prints) to jump start putting art back on my walls

Did Not accomplish

1. Last batch of dog cookies
2. sending out Christmas cards
3. Wrapping gifts
4. Getting outdoor lights up.

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