Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Hello, Wednesday!

Okay, so todays reason that there is no real post is that I had to pick up the dog at daycare, again, and so I didn't come straight home and then I had to inspect the plumbers handiwork - First Rate! As far as I can tell, I don't know from plumbing work, really, as long as I am not wading in water I think its first rate work. I am not a good judge of such work. Ask me which author write which play and I am your girl. I did very well on a Buzzfeed quiz on that the other day, I only missed one and that was a very contemporary playwright that I doubt anyone outside grad students in feminist theory had ever heard about and I bet they haven't seen her damn plays either. Ask me about Miss Firecracker, I can identify who wrote that damn it, Beth Somebody.

Anyway. Because the dog spent two consecutive days in daycare, he is in a coma, he does not need a walk and would have refused if I had offered. It is also newly re-cold and I didn't really want to go out anyway. So instead we curled up in front of the TV and watched down my DVR. Much better, much warmer end to the day.

Later, I caught up with my plumber and paid him, about a third of what I thought I was going to pay him! A really good end to the day.

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