Friday, June 22, 2018


One of my neighbors said that he saw a "big fat woodchuck" the other day. And I said "really? on this street?" I have never seen one here, once on a walk I saw one downtown and it didn't belong there either,bit at least it most likely lived in the park across the street.

This morning I saw a "big fat" something that was most certainly not a woodchuck. I saw a big, fat raccoon and I and sure that that was what my neighbor saw and misidentified as a woodchuck. Woodchucks can be fat but they are not big. He saw a racoon and I'm almost positive he saw the same one I did. It was big and it was fat and it was most definitely a racoon. Not a woodchuck. Several years ago my coworkers and I wasted a lot of state time and resources researching woodchucks so I should know from woodchucks

Problem solved. Woodchucks don't eat your gardens either, they eat clover.

Anyway, this has been a horrible week, 45 has managed to not get forced from office or face impeachment and little tiny children are in cages and he is not. We had better pray for all those children and their families in Church this Sunday, did you see how they take their rosaries away from them? What kind of anti-Catholic bullshit is that? We should be doing lots of praying for them in Church and setting up vigils and pickets. Get on it Catholic Church! These are your people! Fight for them!

Deep, cleansing breath. I am going to go see the Mr. Rogers documentary and its suppose to be very good.

Here is a picture of Rocket.

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