Friday, May 23, 2003

Crazy Train of thought

One of my coworkers retired yesterday. I have friends old enough to retire. And this wasn't even her first retirement go round. She was a repeat offender.

Instead of getting loaded, we ate candy. I have a bowl of Tootsie Rolls on my desk and I am about three sheets to the wind, blood sugar wise. This morning I was running around like a crazy person getting all this work done. Imagine, working at work. Wow. I must be drunk.

Now. I'm tired. Very tired. I also had a big lunch so the sugar blues are hitting me hard. My train of thought may very well go off the tracks.

With my friend gone I have been awarded custody of the feral cats outside. Actually I think it is a feral cat outside. I think the cat doesn’t even eat there often. She had been running a Kibble Kitchen for homeless possums and raccoons. The cat just whores around the door so we will put food out. It's a total bait and switch. You think you're helping out fluffy baby kitties and really its Ranger Rick and that faker Polly Possum.

So now I’m running the Kibble Kitchen, it's only a M-W-F gig, but I know I'm going to forget. I always forget. It would help if the little buggers would make themselves more visible instead of lurking about where we can't see them. It would help if they would hold up little signs or something like the cats from Sylvia.

Back in the day I fed the homeless cats that lived around my apartment at school. Lot's of kitties. I got to where I couldn't even tolerate drawings of cats because all I could think of the herd that gathered at my door everyday taking food and giving me ring worm. Lovely.

It was a tough lesson but I had to get all hard hearted with them too. If you live in the parking lot you are going to die in the parking lot and they did. Only the cute die young. I got all broken up the first time I found a squished kitten. I cried and everything. Actually I got weepy then I got mad because I thought at first it was this mean spirited one and I was kind of glad the little bastard got nailed, then I got all weepy again because it was one that I liked.

That wasn't going to work because the whole live and die in the lot thing doesn't allow for a great deal of soft heartedness or a lot time for wasted tears. I couldn’t waste time on the parking pancakes when I could be really sad about the ones that drowned in the rain. I would have been crying all the time. After a while I found that Mama Kitty could make new ones frequently enough that I really didn’t have time to mourn the old ones.

I decided it was nature way of keeping the really dumb ones out of the breeding population. Not all of them did that way, actually very few of them died in any way. The cats were healthy. There weren’t any parvo or rabies deaths while I was there. I do think Mama Kitty may have had the clap, but that was just a guess.

There was a real Cat Lady and she trapped and spayed a lot of them and kept enough of them inoculated that it kept down the rate of disease.

There was a vote on campus one time to see what should be done about the proliferation of feral cats on campus. This was the same day they had the Student Council, er, Student Government Elections. The cats got 700 votes the Student Government got about 250. I don't remember the outcome of either referendum. I think the cats won though as they offered real solutions to the parking problem on campus.

Anyway. All aboard!

It's raining. Again. I put my Happy Office Professionals Day plant outside to get some fresh air and rain water. It will probably end up with slugs. I guess I should go rescue it before I leave because I will forget it.

Oh. I've been counseled that I should change "Bitchwhoresluts" stage name. Her new name will be "Good and Plenty". I can say it is because she is so sweet.

Man, someone just came in and wanted something. What is this working at work? It’s a head scratcher for sure.

Sugar should be listed as a controlled substance. The first time in weeks I even see The Mouth That Roars and I give her an excuse to Roar. Now she's going to remember that I'm back here. Damn. Note to self - Always Look At The File Before You Give It Out. Check To Make Sure It Is The Right Folder. Dumb Ass.

Today is the first day of the rest of the summer. All my shows have had their big end of year blow out and there will be no more new eps until October. Monk will be back in June so I'm looking kind of forward to that and I think Lucky still has a few episodes. But it's rerun city for a long time.

It's ironic. Before I had the house and the dogger I would come home from work and watch these Home Improvement and Animal Emergency shows. Now when I get home I'm trying to improve my home and keep the animals away from emergencies and don't have time to watch the Shows.

What else?

Cheap dog toys are cheap. You get what you pay for. Ask yourself why they cost so much at the pet store before you throw away money on the cheap toys from the dollar store. What you aren’t paying for you aren’t getting.

I’ll see you guys again on Tuesday.

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