Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Brave New Shows World

I have so much to do. With the new cable I have so much to watch. It’s like the new season has all ready started and there is so much new TV to choose from (or as it is, new to me). I can watch House Invaders, not about violent robbery at all after all. It’s about home decorating. It really sounded like a Dick Wolfe show or a tasteful BBC version of CSI. Really, its this group of veddy nice British folks who go to a home and redo several rooms with stuff the people at the house all ready have. Those people have all kinds of useful stuff about the house. A suspicious amount of useful stuff.

Newish paint, unused lumber, endless fabric, heretofore forgotten about fireplaces, solariums that had been used as storage so long they homeowners had “forgotten” that the space had been something other then a storage room. A storage room with a glass ceiling and southern exposure!

They all have these back yard sheds with more stuff in them then a Home Depot.

The Decorators move the furniture around, remove the clutter, paint the walls hot pink or bright blue, spray paint the Queen Anne style end tables silver, reuse the existing (ugly) velvet curtains as cunning throws for the aged sofa and matching ugly chair and wahlah it’s 1986 and they all make happy noises about how “modern” the room looks now.

I’m also a Ground Force whore. I love those people! I hate the garden shows on HGTV and TLC. I don’t know why they annoy me so much. It could be that they all feature enormous yards and huge decks larger then my whole backyard. They are just off putting and jealousy causing. And sad making.

The Ground Force yards are always tiny, narrow, muddy holes before they get in there and turn them into tiny, narrow wonder gardens with water features, paths and pergolas. In two days. It gives me hope that some day the Okayfordoggy Swamp could be a nice place.

watch my train of thought leave the tracks!

I’m hoping that someday dogger will uncover some Civil War left overs while she’s digging. If she insists on digging, I think I can insisit that she do it for a purpose. And funding.

There was a civil war hospital about 200 yards away from where my house is now so there must have been soldiers dropping valuable sad yet sweet letters home to their wives, etched silver swords left over from their great granddaddies day in the last war, priceless silver stolen from an abandoned plantation Standard civil war issue flotsam and jetsam.

I’m going to teach her how to use a make up brush to more carefully uncover what she finds. We are going to work on putting a grid out there and keeping track of where she dug what up. I’m going to get her some graduate student slaves to do the tedious fine work and any research that may need to be done. I’m sure that there is some nice colonial refuse out there too. I think that is why she’s digging. She loves shoes and she smells some nice decaying leather. There may also be some forgotten copies of the declaration of independence carefully hidden in the yard too.

The possibilities are endless. She could be an Antiquities Dog. Like a drug sniffer or a corpse finder. I think it could be her big break. I think it’s a whole field that has been unfairly closed to the large dog population.

Beagles and other cute little dogs have had a strangle hold on the whole Fill In The Blank Dog thing for too long. True, Blood Hounds are big dogs, but they are scent hounds. Daisy is a strait a head Digging Dog. She is very good at it; and she doesn’t eat what she finds.

She digs like a Prairie Dog and she won’t give you Monkey Pox.

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