Tuesday, June 3, 2003

I love my job.

Straight up. I love it when my coworkers pitch into help me. I really love it when Good and Plenty lowers herself to help me. She has an interesting version of filing. It’s kind of in the deconstructionist school of filing. She does file. She just doesn’t file a traditional manner.

I have this habit of putting things in the files they belong in. It’s not a radical interpretation of the text. I know she’s been filing when I find say a “B” item in an “R” file. And yet she is so much faster at it then I am. I am inept and lazy not to mention a really, really slow filer. It’s all that bothering to put the stuff where it belongs and purging files and again putting things where they belong, that takes me so damn long. She isn’t into that, she’s into results, it needs to be filed, so it is filed. Not in the right place but that is irrelevant to her. She is filing damn it. It makes looking for things later a real adventure. I hate an adventure. But hey, she is helping me do my job. I should be grateful for her bad filing, because after all, it was filed and that is what I need help with.

I like boring. I like stuff being where they are supposed to be. I also like it when she leaves with out warning and then finally comes back and states that she doesn’t see “much progress being made”. I hate her.

You know, she went to College? She has a degree… So this whole filing thing is really beneath her. She only does it when The Nominal Boss reminds her of her job description. I went to college too and I have a degree myself. Filing isn’t beneath me for some reason. She does Data Entry.

I hate her.

This was just not a good day. We had a birthday breakfast today. I brought juice. No one called me to tell me we were ready to eat. Cold pancakes and luke warm biscuits are just not the breakfast I was looking for. The organizer was sorry she forgot to call me. All she had to do was look at the damn sign up sheet. Beyotch.

It was such a fun day. I love having some one in my office messing with my files. I had the guy from the AGs office come by to finish going over the file he was looking at. I had it out for him. Good and Plenty moved it. So I couldn’t find it.

I love coming back from lunch to find someone violating my files. Abusing my cabinet doors and sifting through my things. And she is so damn high and mighty while she’s doing it. It’s just filing! It’s not brain surgery. I would much rather have The Zombie stalking about. At least she isn’t hostile. She’s passive aggressive. Good and Plenty got a whole afternoon of The Zombies issues. It makes the whole job go such much slower when you have to stop every few minutes to punch holes in something

At least G&P and I have worked out a system. I do one end of the alphabet and she does the other. I know she doesn’t want to be there any more then I want her there. I want her back in her office IMing, painting her nails and talking on her cell phone as much as she wants to be back in her office IMing, painting her nails and talking on her cell phone. Of course I want her out of my office with the heat of a thousand suns and she only hates it.

My Happy Office Professionals Day plant is dieing.

Deep Cleansing Breath.

My friend came back from vacation and brought me a fabulous Happy Meal Toy. I didn’t know that Finding Nemo was Happy Mealed. I know what I’m having for lunch for a while. The one I have now giggles and spits water. I must have more talking toys.

I watched a Keanu movie (Ummmmm Keanu) this weekend. It was made in 98 I think. It featured Cam Diaz before every movie had to be about her Ass. It’s the sweetest thing ya know. She did a little mugging for the camera but not like what she gets away with now. Mmmm Keanu was very cute through out. I call that a successful movie.

The Mouth That Roars is moving her office down the hall. I no longer will have to walk past her office to go to and fro.

It has been dry and sunny for two whole days in a row.

It’s Tuesday. Lucky is on 9 pm central/10 pm Eastern. It’s not a repeat, it’s on F/X and it needs you to watch it.

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