Thursday, August 7, 2003

Self Monitoring

Self pity rant

My old monitor hated me. My new monitor hates me. There is a lot of hate in my office room. Since I can't make the monitor work with the machine part of the computer, I can't do anything. I know nothing about computers and every time something like this happens it tilts my world on edge.

There is nothing wrong with my computer at all. It works; the guys at Best Buy said so. First they asked how much power it had and I when I said "I turn it on, it works", they laughed at me. They didn't actually do anything more advanced then hook my hard drive up to one of their monitors at the service desk, but it worked! I 'm feeling all thwarted by my technology. It was supposed to set us free damn it and here I am all chained up.

Things I can not do because my monitor is being difficult:

Down Load My email - I want to get it off the server and into my mailbox. I need to separate it into files so that I can never look at it again, but still get to it on the off chance I may need it. Now it's all jumbled up and I can't find anything. Not that I've looked, but the idea

Update My picture Site - Also, not helping my frame of mind. I hardly ever update the picture site and now that I really want to I can't. I'm going to lose interest and never get the damn thing done. I found a groovy new version of my ISPs freebee home page builder thingy and it is much cooler then the current version that I'm using. Again, thwarted.

Write Blog entries from home - Now I have to either waste state time and do it from work, which as big a turn on as that is, still I would rather use my computer. I could also drive across town and use my brother's machine. Still, I want my computer back.

Solitaire - I need to play computer solitaire. Really.

I want my Bookmarks back - it's really getting to me that I can't access the sites I want. I have some saved at work, but I can't spend hours gazing at Oar Boats at work. I could, but it wouldn't look right. I have sites marked that I haven't been to in months, they might not even be there anymore. In fact I know some aren't there anymore. I periodically go through and delete the bad links - something else I can not do with a striking monitor.

My ability to check my email whenever I want. - I can only check it at work now. This wastes state time. I end up with dozens of messages to go through every morning and it could be far fewer.

Solve World Hunger - if the monitor would co-operate, I could single handedly solve world hunger.

See, right now, you're saying "Gee, Diana, obsess much? Don't you have anything else going on? You know there are wars on? Our civil liberties are under attack? Gawd. Get a grip and worry about what is important. Shit. What a lame-o."


/self pity rant

I may have figured out what is wrong with the monitor. I took the computer apart, first time ever (shut up, I know the rest of you have been performing transplants on your machines since you decided to upgrade your Playskool "My First Computer", when you were like 2 and a half. but I am not like that). So. One of the widgets on the plug thing into the computer seems to have broken off in the widget holder on the computer. I need to dislodge the widget and put a new widget in, I have a new widget I just have to figure out how to dislodge the old one.

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