Friday, September 5, 2003

School Days, School Days, dreadful old golden rule days

1. Are you going to school this year, if so, which year or grade?

No, No a thousand times no! I got myself out by promising myself I would never go back. I didn’t even like sitting for my driving test. Desks make me queasy. I had the worst case of short timer, senioritis on record. Every day towards the end was just hell. I just wanted out.

I did learn to hate the question. The “So, What are you going to do after graduation?” question. I had no answer, I had no plans, I hadn’t sent out a single resume and I had no idea what I was going to do; really what do you do with a degree in Theatre if you aren’t going to grad school and you aren’t going to catch the first bus to New York?

You move back home with your parents.

And you send out resumes
And you send out resumes
And you send out resumes
And you send out resumes
And you send out resumes
And you send out resumes
And you send out resumes
And you send out resumes

And finally, you get a bite. And. And you sit in front of his desk, dressed in the closest things to Office Wear that you own and he tells you that maybe you should print your resume on pink paper.

Because pink paper isn’t going to get you hired, you volunteer

Do enough scut work, be at the right place at the right place, be able to survive on the less then nothing pay they offer, because you live with your parents, get hired at your volunteer job. Because you’re young and you can work like a dog for no money and it’s the only way you’re going to work in your field .

Precede to work like a dog. Woof.

2 If yes, where are you going (high school, college, etc.)? If no, when did you graduate?

I graduated from high school in 1987. I graduated from College in 1993. I enjoyed college so much more then high school, I decided to spend more time there. It had nothing to do with the fact my “adviser” was a drunk who was useless after 3 pm, and that was usually when I saw him for advise. Useless. How was I supposed to know that Big Red was an alcoholic beverage? They sold it in the machines, the vodka I think they had on tap in the teachers lounge. I thought he was just really, really relaxed. And talkative. And easily distracted. I also thought he was going to pull a math class out of his ass that I could pass and that he would do this prior to before I wanted to graduate. I found the class, I sat in Adds and Drops all afternoon, in an unair-conditioned gymnasium and waited for enough people to drop a very popular class so that I could get the requirement and graduate. Miraculously enough people did and I got the class and my diploma.

3. What are/were your favorite school subjects?

I wrote for my high school paper, so Journalism and I did well in History. Over all, I didn’t enjoy anything and sucked in school. I took the SAT and I have thankfully, blocked my score. It wasn’t pretty. I think it was in the high three digits. I am not a math person, I am much more verbal.

4. What are/were your least favorite school subjects?

Math. Anything Math related. I hated math. I hate math now. Math is not my friend. I graduated from high school with out ever taking a real algebra class. I did know how to write a check and read an electric meter and was hell at figuring interest. I graduated College with out ever taking a real Algebra class but I knew the difference between a Waning and a Waxing Moon and I was hell at the moons of Jupiter.

5. Have you ever had a favorite teacher? Why was he/she a favorite

I really loved my second grade teacher, and I really liked my senior English teacher in high school. In college I had a bad habit of losing the syllabus on the first day of class and spending the semester not knowing who my professor was. My theatre profs were all right and I did know their names, usually first and last. I also knew who they were sleeping with. I bet the Math Majors didn’t know who their profs were sleeping with. Dorks.

On a completely different topic, I bid on a rug on Ebay. It’s a $5400 9x14 Persian rug and I’m going to get it for $19.99, but I’ll go as high as $25.00. The auction goes on until the tenth. I’m thinking I’ll get lucky.

As always, thanks to my friends at Friday Five. Com.

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