Tuesday, September 9, 2003

Sensing it

I’m going to wuss out and do another five questions thing today, I’m really in a severe I Hate My Job mood and unless I take advantage of the questions, this would be a 650 plus word screed on how much I hate my job. I know you don’t want to know why it currently sucks and blows and how the Nominal Boss is a complete and total… Okay. Lets get to the questions.

Saturday Sences, comes to my rescue again>

sight]:: watching scary movies

In college I used to go see a lot of scary movies at the movie theater in downtown San Marcos. Today you can buy TVs with bigger screens then they had at that theater.

I don’t like those movies now and I didn’t like them then either, but I had a friend who did and since I liked to spend time with him, I had to spend time with them. I think I resent those movies for scaring me , despite the fact that I know they aren’t real. I don’t like being scared, I can make myself scared easily enough. I don’t need masturbate with a scary movie to get me there. I also never saw Twister, I know Tornado fear and I didn’t need Hollywood to teach me how to be afraid of them, I also didn’t like that I started to see tornados called “Twister”. Thirty something years in Tornado Ally and I never heard a Tornado called a “twister”- Funnel Clouds, Tornadic Activity, Severe Thunderstorms with the chance of Tornadic Activity, never even once heard Twister. If the sky turns green, it’s natures way of tell you to run for cover now. I heard enough of what those winds can do the human body, I don’t really need to see it on screen.

I do like Shark Week, that’s kind of like Horror Movie, only realer, and not much like a movie – real blood!. I see those as object lessons , swim with sharks, get eaten.

[taste]:: popcorn

I worked at movie theatres. I have a different relationship with popcorn then people who didn’t spend their Wonder Years in a bow tie and vest. I’ve eaten popcorn for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I’ve eaten it with fresh Butter Flavored Popcorn Topping – it isnever called Butter. Butter and Butter Flavored Popcorn Topping are not the same thing and you can not call what you put on Popcorn butter unless it is butter. People ordering popcorn, who want it “buttered” always say they want Butter, but unless you are at a very high end movie theatre, which probably calls itself a Cinema, you are not getting butter. You are getting Canola Oil or you’re getting, less frequently, Peanut Oil. Canola Oil was a big thing when it came out. We were very excited. We got very excited by straws and cups lids too, so Canola Oil may not have been the life changer for you it was for us.

Popcorn at a movie theatre most likely gets bagged up in plastic bags at the end of the night and sits there until it gets put back in the warmer before they open in the morning. New popcorn only gets made when the old popcorn gets eaten. There is no such thing as stale popcorn. If you’re at a theatre and they only have sucky movies and there are no big crowds? Chances are the popcorn has been there as long as the doormen.

[smell]:: garlic

I am a garlic slut. I love garlic. Garlic means good food. I would eat garlic flavored ice cream and enjoy it.

[touch]:: burn (by fire, iron, sun or anything else)

My sunburn has reached the peeling stage. The only way to keep myself from obsessing over it all day is to wear things I can’t easily move aside to get to it. I’m wearing sweaters to keep myself from playing with it. I have been lucky lately, I haven’t burned myself on a hot thing in a while.

[hearing]:: scream - There are good screams and bad screams, I hope you hear only the good screams. I haven’t heard either in a long time.

lets see, still hating on job? Yes. Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate. Need my job, need my job, need my job.

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