Thursday, September 25, 2003

Were there any animals at the Tower of Babylon?

Hooray! I , thanks to you, have reached 1000 hits. I’m amazed that any of you even found me in the first place. Thank You for coming here everyday and keeping me motivated.

Random Randomness

I was listening to Kitty whining about not having fresh enough food in his bowl. Kitty has a large vocabulary. He has his feed me mewing, his change my box meows, the melodic yowls of - I don’t know, I haven’t figured out what the yowling means. He has all these different sounds he makes. Purring, meowing, muttering, little tiny meows, operatic mewling, growling, hissing, and whining. He makes a lot of noise and he really communicates with me what he wants. Sometimes sitting on my chest at three in the morning… he and I have talked. I meow at him, he meows back. We can sit and meow at each other for minutes at a time. I always wonder what we’re talking about. I’m afraid I’ve made him my power of attorney .

Dogger one the other hand, doesn’t have as many ways of communicating. She barks or she growls or she whimpers. She does employ stealing my socks and running away as a form of communication more then Kitty does, but kitty wouldn’t put my sock in his mouth, he would hide on them.

Miss Dog does have a specific whimper for “Take Me Outside Now” and I appreciate that. She growls at things she hears outside, sometimes and she barks in the back yard but I don’t know at what. There isn’t an ally back there so I assume she barks at the kids who live behind there, or their dog. The kids are out there all the time and I don’t think the dog ever leaves their porch, so maybe she barks at squirrels .

Here is a question. Why does my cat always smell better then my dog? Dogger gets bathed frequently and kitty grooms himself. Shouldn’t kitty smell like cat breath?

Dogger sleeps, kitty sleeps. Why does only Dogger seem to dream? do cats not talk in their sleep?

Why does the dog react to the doorbell on TV when it isn’t the same as mine? To dogs do they all sound the same? If so, why doesn’t hearing a dog bark on TV cause a reaction. The cat on the other hand really notices animals on TV.

How bored do you have to be to hold weddings for your pets?

What do birds do for fun? Do they have fun? You don’t see them having bird picnics or bird softball games.

Rats play. They do little rat dances, hoe downs and rat concerts. Maybe birds are the nerds of the animal world.

Why is Dogger licking her foot? It isn’t red, swollen or injured. She isn’t limping or favoring it. Could she be just doing it to make me hover over her? Do they think like that?

I had a dream last night so annoying I work up to get away from it. If I had been watching it on TV I would have turned the channels. I woke up irritated at 4:30 this morning. Yesterday morning was no better. The first thing I did yesterday morning was to stalk and kill one of those enormous hunting cockroaches, on my bed!! Good Morning Diana!

And Good Morning to Ya’ll! Or Evening! Or Afternoon!

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