Friday, January 30, 2004

Luddite Tour 2004

Yes! Its that time again! I have again done something amazingly stupid to my computer. Woo-Hoo! Go Me!! And now TheDianaverse is Going On Tour – The Luddite Tour 2004! I took my show on the road so I could spread the gospel of Ludditism across the land. You will notice a distinct lack of crashing and freezing and cursing. I’m much calmer now. I think its one of the stages of grief. I was angry, I am now making deals.

I didn’t start out to be a Luddite. I once had a deep love of technology. I was the only girl in my dorm that could hook up her own VCR. Technology was my friend.

Technology turned out to be a two faced bitch who talked behind my back and stole my boyfriend.

If Technology was really my friend, Technology would have told me that when the little message came up and asked if I was sure I really wanted to delete the most recent version of Internet Explorer, it would have mention that it was the ONLY version of IE I had. See? I told you she was a bitch.

The little message would have also mentioned that that if I was really sure I wanted to delete the most recent version of IE I was also going to delete Outlook Express. Total Bitch, that Technology.

Technology could have said something about how if I deleted the fucked up version of IE that I had been having problems with, that I was also going to delete the unfucked up version of Outlook Express that I was not having problems with. The Bitch.

It started out innocently. The machine was stressing. It’s getting old and it’s a little slower, and its memory isn’t what it used to be and it is easily taken in by scams. I didn’t get a flu shot so the machine caught a virus… I think. I don’t know. One day everything was fine and the next I was getting a flurry of messages from Microsoft apologizing for something and asking me to press the button and let them know what the error was. I couldn’t see anything wrong. It was freezing and crashing more then normal, but it has always froze and crashed so it didn’t alarm me. Much.

I thought all it was was just some corrupted files. I could fix that. I did a scan disk, I did a disk defrag. Still crashing and freezing. I talked to my temp and she suggested that I go to this icon and then go to that icon and then do something else… and I think I stopped listening, and whatever I did, was not what she told me to do.

That bitch, Technology played me.

So. I talked to my temp again and we went together to the appropriate web site and she showed me the right thing to down load as opposed to the wrong thing… and that would be great, if I could get online for any length of time. The machine has successfully been on and uncrashed since last night, but I haven’t gotten close enough to it to try it out today. Last night, things were said, certain old arguments were brought up; there were a lot of nasty exchanges. We both went to bed angry.

So. The Tour was born.

Burt then… I had a conversation with Brosky.

Broskey - get a typewriter!
Me- what? How would I post it? I don't think Blogger supports that platform.
Broskey - You could be the new wave, Analogue Blogs! The new Black. You could type them up and stick them to telephone poles!
Me - Like a lost kitty? or a Lose Weight Now thing? The Lost Kitty Lose Weight Now Blog?
Broskey - The ground floor of a new Internet rage.
Me - A Luddite rage! I'm so there!

Coming soon to a telephone pole near you - Reading In The Dark goes unplugged The Lost Kitty Lose Weight Now! Blog

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