Wednesday, March 3, 2004

Insert Something Suitable

Okay, it's "later", Yay!

Is it over yet? Isn’t it time to go home yet? Gawd. Longest. Day. Ever.

I looked at the clock this morning, thinking it must be at least, say, 10:30 if not later. 9:15! I had been working like a puppy for hours and it wasn’t even close to lunch time yet. That was wrong. If you are too busy to be watching the clock, time should move faster not slower.

I’m working like a puppy so that this subpoena can be filled. My brand new temp and I worked so hard yesterday, well I worked hard yesterday, she wasn’t here yet. We worked so hard the lawyer is going to be in the office tomorrow morning instead of the hoped for late afternoon. Then even better, we got an almost identical subpoena for another set of facilities yesterday afternoon. So first there were the 26 facilities for two years that I searched for and more or less found, and now there are like 18 that have to be tracked down. The years are different, so that’s always exciting, and the latter subpoena actually covers stuff I have in the office, stuff I’m supposed to have in the office. God help me if those pages aren’t in my office.

So. And then there is all my regular work that isn’t getting done. And I’m behind again. It makes me crazy. I can never be caught up. Never. I can’t even get into the kind of caught up area. I was there, briefly, a beautiful place, caught up. Too bad I may never get back there.

Must. Stay. Calm. Must just plow ahead and do what I have to. And people keep asking me for stuff! They just walk in like I’m not over my head, and ask me for stuff. Do I look like I can find your whatever for you? Do you think I care about those letters that you turned in late and would be somewhere in the file, but not of course, where they are supposed to be, because you just now turned it in? I found it though. Thankfully. I think I would have lost it if I didn’t. I was not in an Accept The Things I Can Not Change place today. I was in a Kill Me Now place.

And tomorrow should be even more fun. I hate lawyers.

I was prepared or Monday to be a bad day. I psyched myself up all weekend to be prepared for the coming badness. Monday was not a bad day. I got all psyched up and then I ran out of psych. I spent the day just this side of tears. I wasn’t sad about anything, it was just the frustration and stress.

Tomorrow is another day, one day closer to the weekend… I have a temp who works hard and she will help me. I will get through this and onto the next thing and I will get through that too.

I hope so.

Hey, I have empanelled a group of top dogs and they want to help your dogs with their issues. The Kitty will have the counter point.

What the dogs will do is answer your dogs questions, about, whatever your dogs have questions about . Thanks to the fab babble fish thing, your dogs will be able to ask in People Speak. The dogs can be reached through me, at

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