Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Lets join the CIA part 3

I hold certification or expertise in one or more of the following computer applications:

Lotus Notes
Microsoft, NT Environment
Cisco Technology
Information Security
Enterprise Network Management
Global Network Management

Gasp. You mean to run around in a wig and cat suit I have to have actual skill sets? The Hell! This might be harder then I thought…

Have you ever lived and worked in one of the following countries or regions?

Middle East
South Pacific
Native American Indian Nation
yes no

I have sent email to the Middle East, and I have seen South Pacific, I had a room mate from Bangladesh, which is somewhere around the greater India area, and I have read all the Tony Hillermans which are about Native Americans… I think I still have a shot here!

Please check all that apply for each section. You may choose more than one answer.


In my free time, I typically choose to…
Listen to music
Read classic literature
Write stories
Play a musical instrument
Learn about other cultures
None of the above

Okay! Finally stuff I can answer. Listen to music, sure, sometimes. I just finished reading a detective novel that had the classical plot of cops and robbers, write stories! I'll be out being all counter terrorism by next weekend! I played the flute for six weeks back in 1980, and I learn about other cultures all the time! I watch the Discovery Channel!

I have studied and have a strong interest in…

Creative writing
Languages and language arts
Applied arts (advertising, journalism, graphics)
None of the above

I took a creative writing class at school, language arts sound like a class I took in Junior High, I wrote for my High School paper! man! I am so going to be fitted for an evening gown!

I have work experience in…

Translation or interpreter services
Writing or editing
Applied arts (advertising, journalism, graphics)
None of the above

Translation! I work with the public and translate "crazy" into Standard English all day long! writing! editing! I just edited! and, High School Paper!


In my free time, I typically choose to…

Talk with all kinds of people
Do volunteer work in my community
Entertain others
Study foreign languages
Read anthropology or psychology books
None of the above

I talk to all kinds of people everyday, see crazy to Standard English skilz, I will be a volunteer for the Party! I hopefully entertain others, and I did study German.

I have studied and have a strong interest in…

Learning foreign languages
Teaching or training others
Studying other cultures
None of the above

I could be interested in learning a foreign language; I like telling people what to do.


In my free time, I typically choose to…
Network with others in my area of expertise
Pursue self-improvement studies
Serve as an officer in a community or volunteer group
Seek out new and challenging activities
Compete with others in sports or games
None of the above

Yeah. Me and the other file clerks are always hanging out, coming up with new ways to file. "Pursue self-improvement studies", I saw a half a minute of Opra last week. Yeah. Not so much with the "Seeking" and "Competing".

I have work experience in…

Business or management
Domestic or foreign politics
None of the above

I can sell the hell out of popcorn!


In my free time, I typically choose to…
Keep my home orderly
Follow a routine set of activities
Plan ahead for trips, vacations or events
Be the "detail person" for projects or activities
Track my finances and/or investments
None of the above

I should just give up while I'm a head in points.

Upon Completion:

When you click the "Submit" button, your results will be automatically calculated. They should be used as a guide to explore CIA career areas that may be a good match for your strengths.

The CIA does not record or retain any of the information obtained.

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