Thursday, April 22, 2004

Dear Answer Dogs

Dear Answer Dogs,

You need an archive of the answer dogs. You need more answer dog questions. What's up with people not writing to the answer dogs? They are so funny!

Loyal Reader

Dear Loyal Reader,

It makes us sad too! No one hardly ever wants to talk to us and that makes us wander around the house with sad dog expressions and we won't play with our toys and we're all listless and mopey and then we curl up in little dog balls in the corner of the room and sigh . We love having people ask us questions! we know there are people out there because we can hear the tap, tap of their key boards echoing in the ether. We'll answer anything! we even love cats! The Counter Point Kitty handles cat questions! help us help yoooooooo!

The Answer Dogs and the Counter Point Kitty

Make the dogs happy! ask them a question!

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