Friday, May 14, 2004

Schools out for everrrrrrrr

Dogger and I finished our second round of Dog School. Dogger ran through her skills - heeling fast, heeling slow, sitting, staying while sitting, laying down, staying while laying down, doing all of these while another dog wandered around trying to pull her focus. Dogger was very, very good. She peed on the Dog Whisperer, but she was very good.

And again the Dog Whisperer didn't come across with a diploma. Bastard. I pretty much signed up for this class because I thought he said something about a certificate that went along with the second course. I'm going to call the ASPCA to see if they offer any classes and if they hand out diplomas. I'm about ready to go print off one myself so Dogger can have something that officially says she learned something and has some skills. I'm mean, my college gave me one, I think the least the Dog Whisperer could do would be to give Dogger one. I mean, jeez, she stayed! for gawds sake! Give the dog a diploma!

Speaking of the Dogger. I am in the market for a really kewl collar for her. I want something that says "Hi, I'm a very big dog but I am also a girl dog, but a hip edgy girl dog"," I was kind of thinking of a spike collar but with a pink background and maybe with little spiky flowers instead of just spiky spikes. I think something in the pink family and with flowers but at the same time, big enough and butch enough to go along with her size. So no little thin wispy things. Something she would really have to work at eating. That's another thing, it can't be so expensive of hard to replace that I'm afraid to let her wear it. I have thought about hot gluing silk daisies to a plan collar but I think she might find that itchy. We're going on vacation in August, so I have some time. If you have any ideas or know where I can see kewl dog collars email me.

Mr. Kitty is working my nerves. He wakes up at about 5:30 am, he wants to chat. He can't just jump up on the bed and softly bleet in my face, closer to me so that I may grab hold of him and hold his little mouth shut - he stands at the bottom of the stairs at the top of his prodigious lungs and caterwauls for about ten minutes and then he stops. He just goes away and I don't hear or see him again until I'm reading the paper and then the little bastard ignores me, well he ignores me in an "I'm walking across your paper and putting my tail in your nose, but I'm not talking to you" kind of way. He's been doing his little predawn concerts every morning for weeks. He wakes me up he wakes the Dogger up and after Saturday, he will wake the rest of the Answer Dogs up as well. I do not need all three dogs whimpering and wanting to go out all at the same time. I need everyone to wait for their turn. We will have a schedule and we will follow it. Damn it. Once you have more dogs then you have hands you have basis for martial law.

I have the Answer Dogs at my place for two weeks. This means they will be available for your questions. Ask the Answer Dogs!!!

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