Thursday, May 6, 2004

Short takes

No Spin, V. No Spin Zone

With Nightline having read the names of our war dead and the world not coming to an end, FAUX News has decided to do it themselves, only one suspects with a "No Spin" spin. Go Here to read the whole story.

Good Girl, Good Girl Whatcha Going to Do?

I brought a different dogger to Dog School last night. This Dogger did what she was asked and then did it over and over again. This Dogger brought her "A" material. She didn't even pee on the Dog Whisperer! She heeled like a dog in an obedience text book, she sat, she stayed and she only beat on the other dog a little bit. Dogger also got to show what a big Dogger she is. Two vagrants ambled through class and sat over by one of the other buildings and watched us, well one watched, one was too busy throwing up, but... Anyway. At the end of class the guys came back and one of them wanted to see the dogs. Fine see the dogs. Now, Buh-Bye. The other dog half heartedly woofed at the guys while Dogger gave them the evil eye. One of the guys came too close and Dogger had to put him back in line. She was very calm, but she has a growl that comes from some deep doggy place inside and it is enough to set your hair on end. She is very tough. The vagrants wandered away, quickly. Good for them too, Dogger was feeling like she needed a reward for being so good in class and she saw what she wanted as her reward. She had to settle for a hotdog.

Bad Girl, Bad Girl, Whatcha gonna do?

Later I was at the library grrrrrrrrrrr and the girl standing next to me at the computers was telling her boyfriend how she was going to "Kill this white girl" at her apartments because "Bitch pushed me". It was only, she explained because her apartment manager was standing there that kept her from killing the white girl. She also exhibited a good knowledge of the law or a knowledge of Law and Order reruns and close study of Cops as she knew what she would be charged with, second degree, although from my viewing of LO and Cops it seemed pretty first degreeish with all her blustery intent, to me. She said was going to plea out to assault, if she had the chance to kill the white girl. Girlfriend didn't need to be talking trash about the white girl, Girlfriend had enough Kabuki makeup plastered on to pass for a white girl herself. I love the public library.

Bad Gig, Bad Gig

I get to spend three hours Monday afternoon learning how to run Windows NT. I all ready know Windows NT. It's mandatory.

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