Monday, May 10, 2004

Spreading it Thick

Ever since I decided that I was tired of living in a pinkish, builder beige - y bedroom and what I really wanted a lovely, pretty, not pinkish beige -y bedroom - I have been looking at colors. I finally found the right one and now it's time to start dressing the room.

Being that the bed is really the centerpiece of your bedroom I thought I should start there. I wanted a bedspread.

I went to Ebay.Com.

I am Ebay's bitch. They own me. So I went there first, kind of second, well, actually, I looked at every fabric distributed over the past three years and didn't find a single one that said I am your bedspread! take me home! I am the right color!. I must have good taste because everything I liked said Of course you like me. Look at me! I am beautiful! Look at my tight weave! look at my thread count! Look at my pattern! I am very expensive! I am prettier then you are!. I had to find things less haughty.

So I had to look somewhere else. I had to look On The Rack.

These did not speak to me, it must have been at the plastic. The bags had smothered them and they could not speak, and those that did speak, spoke in unison.

Aren't we serviceable? Aren't we what you see in every store? look at our shiny, shiny bags! You can buy matching! Don't you want matchy, matchy, matchyness?! matching drapes! matching rugs, matching towels! matching Tampax(tm) boxes, your bedspread can match your couch! that can match your dining room chairs! that can match the wall paper in your kitchen! You don't even have to think! Look! We're color coordinated! Trust Us!


So. On to Ebay.

I punched in Bedspread Okay. Too many. I can't think with all those bedspreads. Let's narrow that search. I like color, lets go by fabric. I like Chenille. Damn! that's still a lot of bedspreads. Okay. Lets do this by color. Maybe that will narrow it down. I picked random colors.


Dear God.

I was starting to feel faint. Bedspreads, Bedspreads everywhere! How about playing with the modifiers. Ebay is all about modifiers. I tried Vintage, I tried Retro

I found Dear Gawd, and I even found something marked Ugly

I did not find my bedspread. Yet.
