Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Windows XT to your soul

Last week I got word that I was going to go to a training session. First it was supposed to be Thursday, which bummed me out because I all ready was leaving early on Friday and I didn't want to lose even more time. Then I was told that Thursday was full and I would have to go Friday. I had to bum them out. So finally, Monday afternoon I go to training class.

I was warned a head of time that the class was deadly and I should bring something with me to keep me occupied. - note to self, see if that Do it Yourself Appendectomy kit is still available on Ebay…

The first question posed in class was: "What does XP stand for?", answer "It Doesn't Matter.". Lovely.

The first thing I learned in class was The early bird gets the padded chair. He who hesitates sits in a folding chair. I left early; I got a good chair. I also walked. Go me.

On my way to the other building I found a nice fenced in area that I think is supposed to be for patents/ residents/inmates to use. The sign says For resident and EMPLOYEE use. I am an employee and Dogger is an extension of me. Score. Dogger gets to run. I never would have read the sign if I had driven. I got exercise and a place to take Dogger. Healthy living finally pays off.

The second thing I learned is that they have doctored the version of XP that we are going to get so it looks and behaves exactly like Windows 95. Super. I need to go to class because why? I'm going to have to reset the damn program to make it look and behave like it is supposed to? How many of my coworkers aren't even going to notice a difference? Why have these classes if everything is going to look the same?

A late comer arrives. The trainer tells her that the rest of us all stood and gave our names and sang a song. The late comer is asked if she can sing, "For The Lord" she answers.

While we think on that. The trainer turns off the lights. If you are going to be running a class where the topic is dry and boring and the class is in a room that is all ready on the warm side and the class is scheduled for immediately after the lunch hour, Don't turn off the lights! in an attempt t keep himself awake, he kept asking if there were any questions. Of course not! Half the class was face down on the desks and the other half was playing with their phones trying to look awake.

On break I learned something else. Every damn building on campus is nicer then ours. This place had fresh paint in non-institutional colors! carpet you couldn't even see the floor though, all the interior lights worked! a nice, fully stocked break room. They had three different kinds of ice cream sandwiches! My Gawd! They even have a fireplace. Our building has a giant hole in the ceiling that goes all the way through the roof. I am not feeling the love.

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