Thursday, June 3, 2004

Unfull House

I'm getting used to the nephdogs being gone. I was taking Dogger out this morning and when I looked up at the clock I realized that for the last two weeks by this time I had fed all three dogs and was finally sitting down to read my paper. Wow.

It's so nice to sleep past 6am! I had no idea how very early it was and how much I wasn't loving getting up early. I didn't really know what time it was because I keep all the clocks in the house fast and when I set the clock for the extra dogs I just kind of let it go ahead what looked like a reasonable amount of time, keeping in mind it's all ready ten minutes fast or so.

The paperboy also picked that period of time to start experimenting with his delivery times, getting my paper to me whenever he got around to it. I hate that. I want my paper at the same time everyday. I don't like having to keep my self occupied at that hour, it leads to napping.

Weighter Topic

Mr. Kitty is much happier. When I came home yesterday after work, when I picked him up, instead of biting me or trying to get away, he snuggled up to my shoulder and purred. It had been a while since he has purred at me. He has been a tense kitty.

He's been lying on the carpet in front of the TV the last couple of weeks looking like some sort of beached orca. I thought I would use him as a back rest for watching TV and then I tried him out as a footrest when he didn't like being a back rest, he did not appreciate being a footrest either. If you are going to lie about like a footrest you shouldn't be surprised when you are used as a footrest. Fat Kitty.


They love sending out emails here at work, enlightening us to little known or archaic rules and regs, I think they need to send out an email about children. Today for instance, I am working at a Kindercare, there are three different kids wandering the building and none of them need to be here. This is a place of business, if I wanted to work at a daycare I would, actually if I wanted to work at a daycare I would shoot myself - but that's irrelevant. The kids shouldn't be here. I doubt seriously if I brought my dog up here to hang out all day and pretty much left other people to look after her, I would get called to the carpet. These people bring their kids up here and its okay. The only difference between my dog being here and these people's children being here, is that my dog makes less noise. And weighs less, but that's just me being catty. Right, but catty. If the child can tie up one of our, and in one case, two of our computers all day playing games, why can't that same child be at home playing computer games?

I also want an email about listening to religious radio stations while at work. This can't be right. It bugs me and I want it to not be allowed. I have half a mind to call personal and see if we can listen to inflammatory religious programming while at work. I bet we can't. It could be worse though, it could be Rush.

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